Policy in Slovenia


Updated: 13.02.2019

Author: Saša Rajković

Summary of policies

  • There is a training programme for installers of RES-installations, which is offered as a course for any interested installers on some schools in Slovenia either as part of the normal curriculum for installers or a special course.
  • The certification scheme is governed in the Energy Act and is foreseen for all types of power plants – hence also for RES power plants. The Energy Agency grants these certificates.
  • The public authorities show their exemplary role with the so called “green public procurement” – when procuring the authorities need to prioritise less environmentally burdensome goods, services or constructions, and when awarding a contract the basic environmental requirements need to be taken into account. Among others the electricity from RES is prioritised.
  • The RES-H building obligation obliges owners of new or renovated buildings to build energy efficient buildings and also to use RES as their main source of energy.

Statutory provisions

  • ZUP (Zakon o splošnem upravem postopku - Uradni List RS, št. 80/99 - Administrative Procedures Act)
  • Energy Act (Energetski zakon – EZ-1 – Uradni list RS, št. 17/2014 – Energy Act)
  • Public Procurements Act (Zakon o javnem naročanju (ZJN-2) – Uradni list RS, št. 128/2006)
  • Decree on Green Public Procurement (Uredba o zelenem javnem naročanju
  • Uradni list RS, št. 102/2011)
  • RS 52/2010 (Pravilnik o učinkoviti rabi energije v stavbah - Uradni list RS, št. 52/2010  - Rules on thermal insulation and efficient energy use in buildings)
  • RS 20/2013 (Pravilnik o strokovnem usposabljanju in preizkusu znanja za inštalaterje naprav na obnovljive vire energije - Rules on expert training and examination of knowledge for installers of devices using renewable energies)


            Further information