Slovenia: Overall Summary
Updated: 13.02.2019
In Slovenia, electricity from renewable sources is promoted through a two-round tender process, which determines the recipient and the level of support. All production facilities connected to the grid after 22 September 2014, can take part in the annually published public call, while the operators of renewable energy plants connected to the grid before 22 September 2014 may sell their electricity to the Slovenian power market operator Borzen at a "uniform annual price", i.e. the feed-in tariff (alternatively, they can opt for a premium tariff). Furthermore, in Slovenia public calls for subsidy applications are organised and loans are provided for projects in the field of renewable energy.
Renewable energy sources for heating purposes are promoted mainly through loans and subsidies. The main incentive for renewable energy use in transport are tax exempts and loan possibilities.
Access of electricity from renewable energy sources to the grid shall be granted with priority for RES-E installations. With regard to the use of the grid, renewable energy shall be given priority. The grid development is a matter of the grid operator and cannot be enforced directly.
There is a number of policies aiming at promoting the development, installation and use of RES installations.