Use of the grid
Updated: 14.02.2019
Author: Saša Rajković
The transmission and distribution system operators are obliged to ensure the transmission and distribution of electricity produced from renewable energy sources (§ 370 par. 1 EZ-1).
The transmission and distribution system operators shall, within the control of their network operations and dispatching units, and within the possibilities of their grids, give priority to renewable power and high-efficiency CHP (§ 370 par. 1 EZ-1).
Process flow | A grid connection agreement is signed. In this agreement, both the grid operator and the power plant operator define all terms relevant for connection to as well as use of the grid (§ 20 Conditions for Access to the Grid).
The connection itself usually becomes part of the grid network. If not otherwise agreed, a special maintenance agreement will be set (§§ 33-35 Decree on Access to the Grid). After the plant has been connected, the producer can deliver electric energy to the grid network once he signs a contract on access to the grid with the grid operator (§§ 27 and 31 Conditions for Access to the Grid). |
Obligation to inform | The grid operator shall be informed by the power plant operator of: - any changes regarding the ownership of the power plant or the power plants licence holder or the building permit (§ 15 and § 35 Conditions on Access to the Grid);
- the termination of the deal 15 days in advance (§ 32 Conditions on Access to the Grid);
- any damage to the measuring/access points;
- any change in the power output of the plant (§ 5 Conditions on Access to the Grid):
Priority to renewable energy
- Priority to renewable energy
- Non-discrimination
Renewable energy is given priority transmission and dispatch. The transmission and distribution system operators shall, within their control over network operations, dispatch units, and within the possibilities of the system, give priority to RES and CHP power plants (§ 370 par. 1 EZ-1).
Distribution of costs
Consumers | According to the Slovenian Energy Agency, the consumers bear the costs of grid use through the electricity price (through the network access charge). |