Grid development

Updated: 14.02.2019

Author: Saša Rajković

RES plant operators are not entitled to the development of the grid. However, according to the Energy Act, the grid operator is indirectly obliged to develop the grid. The Energy Act states that the transmission system operator is obliged, within his control over the network and dispatching units, to give priority to RES plants (§ 370 par. 1 EZ-1).

Furthermore, the TSO is obliged to connect renewable energy plants; any additional costs required to reinforce the grid are borne by the TSO. If the development/expansion of the grid is already planned within the next two years, the connection must be made within these two years; otherwise, the connection must be included in the next development plan. The connection of the production facility shall be established within the next 5 years (§ 369 par. 1 EZ-1).


Process flow

The development of the grid lies within the competence of the transmission grid operator.

Distribution of costs

Grid operator

The costs for the development of the grid are first borne by the grid operator. However, they are passed on to the end users via the "grid use surcharge" on the electricity price. 

Enforcement of claims

The Energy Act does not provide for a mechanism of enforcement. However, a power plant operator may initiate civil proceedings.


Further information

  • ELES, d.o.o., sistemski operater prenosnega elektroenergetskega omrežja – Transmission Grid Operator ELES Ltd.
  • + 386 1 474 30 00
  • website
  • info(at)

Basic information on legal sources