Name (orig) | Zákon č. 309/2009 Z. z. o podpore obnoviteľných zdrojov energie a vysoko účinnej kombinovanej výroby a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov |
Name (English) | Act No. 309/2009 Coll. on the Support of Renewable Energy Sources and High Efficiency Combined Heat and Power Generation and on Amendments to Certain Acts |
Entry into force | 19.09.2009 |
Last amended on | 01.04.2018 |
Purpose | Act No. 309/2009 Coll. regulates the support system for renewable energy and high-efficiency combined heat and power generation and sets out the rights and obligations of renewable energy producers and also rights and obligations of a legal or a natural person supplying motor fuels or other energy products used in transport. |
Relevance for renewable energy | This Act mainly aims to support renewable energy and sets the RES framework. |