Decree No. 24/2013

Updated: 10.01.2019

Name (orig)

Vyhláška Úradu pre reguláciu sieťových odvetví č. 24/2013 Z.z., ktorou sa ustanovujú pravidlá pre fungovanie vnútorného trhu s elektrinou a pravidlá pre fungovanie vnútorného trhu s plynom

Name (English)

Decree No. 24/2013 Coll. of the Regulatory Office for Network Industries on the Regulation of the Domestic Electricity and Gas Market

Entry into force


Last amended on



Decree No. 24/2013 Coll. of ÚRSO establishes provisions on the regulation of the domestic electricity and gas market.

Relevance for renewable energy

Decree No. 24/2013 Coll. of ÚRSO establishes provisions on the obligation to purchase RES electricity at special prices and use it to compensate for power losses in the distribution grid.


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