Decree No. 24/2013
Name (orig) | Vyhláška Úradu pre reguláciu sieťových odvetví č. 24/2013 Z.z., ktorou sa ustanovujú pravidlá pre fungovanie vnútorného trhu s elektrinou a pravidlá pre fungovanie vnútorného trhu s plynom |
Name (English) | Decree No. 24/2013 Coll. of the Regulatory Office for Network Industries on the Regulation of the Domestic Electricity and Gas Market |
Entry into force | 01.02.2013 |
Last amended on | 01.01.2017 |
Purpose | Decree No. 24/2013 Coll. of ÚRSO establishes provisions on the regulation of the domestic electricity and gas market. |
Relevance for renewable energy | Decree No. 24/2013 Coll. of ÚRSO establishes provisions on the obligation to purchase RES electricity at special prices and use it to compensate for power losses in the distribution grid. |