Promotion in Netherlands


Updated: 09.01.2019

Author: Stijn Anciaux

Summary of support schemes

  • Premium tariff. The Netherlands has introduced a premium tariff (premiums on top of the wholesale price) to promote the generation of electricity from renewable energy sources. 
  • Tax regulation mechanisms. Generators of electricity from renewable energy sources that use the electricity they consume (own consumption clause) may be exempt from the tax levied on electricity consumption (Energy tax). Moreover, enterprises are eligible for a tax credit (EIA - Energy Investment Allowance) for investments in renewable energy plants.
  • Loans. Investors in RES-E projects (excluding biomass and biogas) are eligible for a reduction of the interest rate on the basis of a Green project declaration.
  • Net-metering of electricity produced and fed-in to the grid through a small-scale connection (≤ 3*80A).


In the Netherlands, all technologies are eligible for at least one support scheme. However, each support scheme has a different focus.

Statutory provisions

  • Electricity Act (Elektriciteitswet 1998 – General Law on Electricity)
  • Wet IB 2001 (Wet van 11 mei 2000 tot vaststelling van de Wet inkomstenbelasting 2001 – Income Tax Act) 
  • WBM (Wet Belastingen op Milieugrondslag – Act on the Environmental Protection Tax) 
  • GGOEHE (Regeling garanties van oorsprong voor energie uit hernieuwbare energiebronnen en HR-WKK-elektriciteit – Regulation for guarantees for the Origin of RES and HR-CHP-electricity) 
  • SDE + (Besluit stimulering duurzame energieproductie –Renewable Energy Production Incentive Scheme) 
  • RAC 2018 (Regeling aanwijzing categorieën duurzame energieproductie 2018 – Regulation designating sustainable energy production categories) 
  • Energy List 2018 (Energielijst 2018) 
  • RGP 2016 (Regeling Groenprojecten 2016 - Regulation Green Projects 2016)


Further information

  • Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat - Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy
  • +31 703 798 911
  • Ministry website
  • Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO) - Netherlands Enterprise Agency
  • +31 88 042 42 42
  • Agency's website
  • Energy research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN)
  • +31 88 515 4949
  • ECN website