Grid development

Updated: 09.01.2019

Author: Stijn Anciaux

The plant operators are not specifically entitled to the development of the grid. The grid operator is rather obliged to expand his grid according to general principles (art. 16 (1) (c) Electricity Act). The regulatory authority may inform the Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy if it suspects the grid operator to be unable or become unable to provide the grid capacity required to give access to new plants. The Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy may subsequently request the grid operator to satisfy his duties (art. 22 Electricity Act).


Process flow

The grid operator is generally obliged to develop the grid to provide sufficient capacity for the access and transmission of electricity (art. 16 (1) (c) Electricity Act). Yet, this rule does not entitle individual plant operators to the expansion of the grid by the grid operator (e.g. to connect a single plant to the grid).

Enforcement of claims

The plant operators are not specifically entitled to the development of the grid.

Distribution of costs

The development of the grids is covered by the transmission charge, which is paid by every end user via his/her electricity bill (art. 27 (1) Electricity Act in conjunction with 3.2.2 Fee Code). According to information from the transmission grid operator and several distribution grid operators, the plant operators (i.e. the producers of electricity) do not have to pay for the development of the grid.


The costs arising from the expansion of the grid are borne by the final consumers (art. 27 (1) Electricity Act in conjunction with 3.2.2 Fee Code).

Grid studies

Enforcement of claims

The plant operators are not specifically entitled to the development of the grid.


Further information

  • Autoriteit Consument & Markt (ACM) - Authority for Consumers & Markt
  • +31 70 72 22 000
  • ACM website

Basic information on legal sources