Grid expansion

Updated: 05.02.2019

Author: Jörn Banasiak

The construction of new grid capacity is always authorised through a tendering procedure or any equivalent procedure in terms of transparency and non-discrimination (Art. 12 SL 545.13).


Process flow

A tender for new capacity may be launched by a public body or a private body independent from electricity generation, distribution and supply activities, appointed for the purpose by the Minister by notice in the Gazette. The details of the tendering procedure shall be published in the Official Journal of the European Union (Art. 12 SL 545.13).

Competent authority

Enemalta plc (DSO), Regulator for Energy & Water Services (REWS)


Calls for tenders must be published at least six months prior to their closing date (Art. 12 (3) SL 545.13).

Distribution of costs

As indicated by the REWS, the distribution of the costs of grid expansion is still to be determined.


Further information

Basic information on legal sources