Subsidy I (PRIMe House)
Updated: 19.02.2019
Author: Stijn Anciaux
Investments in renewable electricity generation are subsidised by the state, which awards investment grants up to a certain maximum. New support conditions were introduced from 1 January 2017 onwards for investments made between 1 January 2017 and 31 December 2024. According to the new regulation, aerothermal and geothermal heat pumps as well as renewable energy plants generating heat from solar thermal energy or wood-burning boilers are eligible for subsidy.
Eligible technologies
All technologies are eligible except hydrothermal and biogas plants.
Aerothermal energy | Aerothermal heat pumps used exclusively in passive houses are eligible under certain technical conditions, including (Art. 5, Annex II RGD du 23 décembre 2016):
Biomass |
Geothermal energy | Geothermal heat pumps used for heating purposes are eligible under certain technical conditions, including (Art. 5, Annex II RGD du 23 décembre 2016):
Solar thermal energy | Solar thermal plants are eligible under certain technical conditions, including among others (Art. 4, Annex II RGD du 23 décembre 2016):
For aerothermal heat pumps: The subsidy amounts to 25% of the eligible costs, subject to a maximum of €2,500 in a single-family passive house. The following expenses are eligible: the heat pump, additional needed devices, installation costs (Art. 5 and Annex I, RGD du 23 décembre 2016). For geothermal heat pumps: The subsidy amounts to 50% of the eligible costs, subject to a maximum of €8,000 in a single-family house. For multi-family houses, the subsidy amounts to 50% of the eligible costs, subject to a maximum of €6,000 without exceeding a maximum support of €30,000 per house. The following expenses are eligible: the heat pump, additional needed devices, geothermal drilling and installation costs (Art. 5 and Annex I, RGD du 23 décembre 2016). For wood-burning boilers (Art. 6 and Annex I, RGD du 23 décembre 2016):
- The subsidy for straw, wood pellet and woodchips boilers amounts to 40% of the eligible costs, subject to a maximum of €5,000 in a single-family house. For multi-family houses, the subsidy amounts to 40% of the eligible costs, subject to a maximum of €4,000 without exceeding a maximum support of €24,000 per house.
- The subsidy for wood pellet stoves amounts to 30% of the eligible costs, subject to a maximum of €2,500 only for single-family houses.
- The subsidy for log boilers amounts to 25% of the eligible costs, subject to a maximum of €2,500 in a single-family house.
- The following expenses are eligible: wood-burning boilers, wood pellet stoves, additional needed devices as well as the installation costs (Art. 6 and Annex I, RGD du 23 décembre 2016).
- In case of replacement of an existing boiler combined with an energy performance improvement of the heating system or replacement of an existing electric heater, the financial aid granted in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 3 may be increased by a bonus of 30 percent.
Eligible persons are natural persons, legal entities governed by private law and public corporations (other than the State) (Art. 1, RGD du 23 décembre 2016).
Process flow | Applications for subsidies shall be submitted by means of a specific form to the environment administration of the Ministry of Environment (Art. 9 RGD du 23 décembre 2016). According to the Grand Ducal Decree of 23 December 2016, subsidies may be applied for investments made between 1 January 2017 and 31 December 2024 (Art. 10 RGD du 23 décembre 2016). The respective forms can be found on the website of the Ministry of Environment under: |
Competent authority | The competent authority is the Ministry of Environment. |
Distribution of costs
State | The subsidies are funded by the Ministry of Environment within the bounds of its available budget (Art. 1, RGD du 23 décembre 2016). |