Promotion in Latvia
Updated: 18.01.2019
Means of support
Summary of support schemes
Latvia has one of the highest RES shares in the EU-28 (37.3% in gross energy consumption in 2014) and the national RES target of 40% from gross final energy consumption by 2020. However, the existing support scheme in a form of a feed-in tariff, which also includes elements of a quota system and tenders, has been under revision and has been closed for new RES installations since 2011. Energy Development Guidelines 2016-2020 were released on 9 February 2016 setting the goal to develop a new national support mechanism for electricity production from RES until 2018. In order to ensure that energy is produced using the most cost-effective technologies, support measures should be technology neutral.
Since 1 January 2014, net-metering of electricity produced and fed-in to the grid through a small-scale connection (≤ 3*16A) has been introduced.