Promotion in Italy


Updated: 07.02.2019

Author: Jasmin Schwarz

Summary of support schemes

The current goal foresees 8% of biofuels, of which 0,8% advanced biofuels in 2019. The competent authority is the GSE and the obligated parties are all those who feed gasoline or diesel in the system. To monitor the compliance with the biofuelquota certificates are released. One certificate corresponds to 10 Gcal of biofuel or 5 Gcal of advanced biofuel. Producers of advanced biomethane or advanced biofuels other than biomethane are entitled to receive a premium of € 375 for every CIC that they would be entitled receive if the biofuel is released for consumption in the transport sector. Producers of advanced biomethane destined to transport can sell the produced biomethane to GSE (“ritiro”) through a simplified procedure.


Biodiesel, biomethane, bioethanol and biohydrogen are eligible.

Statutory provisions

  • DM 02.032018 (Decreto 2 marzo 2018, Promozione dell’uso del biometano e degli altri biocarburanti avanzati nel settore dei trasporti. Decree 2 March 2018: Promotion of the use of biomnethane and other advanced biofuels in the transport sector) 
  • DM 10.10.2014 (Decreto 10 ottobre 2014: Aggiornamento delle condizioni, dei criteri e delle modalita' di attuazione dell'obbligo di immissione in consumo di biocarburanti compresi quelli avanzati. Decree 10 October 2014. Update of the conditions, criteria and implementation modalities of the obligation to release biofuels, including advanced ones, for consumption.)


Further information