Name (orig) | Delibera 570/2012. Testo integrato delle modalità e delle condizioni tecnico-economiche per lo scambio sul posto (TISP) |
Name (English) | Resolution 570 of 2012. Consolidated text on the technical and economic requirements for net metering/scambio sul posto |
Entry into force | 19.03.2013 |
Last amended on | 22.02.2018 |
Purpose | This regulation contains detailed provisions on net metering (Scambio Sul Posto). Adapted Annex A: https://www.autorita.energia.it/allegati/docs/12/570-12TISP_ti.pdf • Amended by 128/2017/R/eel: https://www.arera.it/it/docs/17/128-17.htm
Relevance for renewable energy | This regulation contains detailed provisions on net metering (Scambio Sul Posto).