Use of the grid

Updated: 07.02.2019

Author: Jasmin Schwarz

Plant operators are contractually entitled against the grid operator – TERNA (contratto per il servizio di dispacciamento) for the transmission of electricity (art. 4 AEEG 111/06 and art. 2.1 d ARG/elt 5/10). 

Entitled party.
All energy producers whose application for connection to the grid was accepted are eligible.
Obligated party. Transmission and distribution grid operators are obligated to transmit electricity (art. 4 AEEG 111/06).


Process flow

Plant operators are contractually entitled against grid operator TERNA (contratto per il servizio di dispacciamento) to the transmission of electricity (art. 4 AEEG 111/06). The claim for connection to the grid arises at the date of the conclusion of the contract.

Competent authority

Regulatory Authority for Energy, Grids and Environment (ARERA)

Priority to renewable energy

  • Priority to renewable energy
  • Non-discrimination

The grid operator is obliged to grant priority transmission (utilizzazione prioritaria) to electricity from renewable sources (art. 3.3 DL 79/99). In detail, priority shall be granted as follows: If several plant operators offer their electricity at the same price, the transmission of electricity shall be given priority as long as grid security can be maintained (diritti di utilizzo della capacità di trasporto nel mercato). Electricity generated from intermittent sources (wind, solar and geothermal energy, running waters, biogas) has the second highest priority, after electricity generated by units deemed essential for system security, in the hours in which they are declared indispensable (art. 30.7 and 31.7 Annex A AEEG 111/06).


For reasons of security of the national energy grid, capacity limits might be imposed.  However, the outputs limits should be minimised as far as possible to avoid losses of renewable energy production (art. 13 and 26.5 Annex A ARG/elt 5/10). 

Distribution of costs


Grid operators recover the costs of grid usage by passing them on to final consumers. 

Grid operator

The costs of grid use are borne by grid operators in accordance with the provisions of (Arts. 39 – 43 ARG/elt 199/11).


Further information

  • Autorità di Regolazione per Energia, Reti e Ambiente (ARERA) - Regulatory Authority for Energy, Grids and Environment (ARERA)
  • +392655651
  • website
  • info(at)

Basic information on legal sources