Promotion in Iceland
Updated: 19.12.2018
Author: Jörn Banasiak
Summary of support schemes
Subsidy: Iceland offers grants for the exploitation of energy resources and for special projects in the field of economical energy use.
All renewable energy technologies are eligible for support.
Statutory provisions
- Act No. 87/2003 (Lög um Orkustofnun - Act on the National Energy Authority)
- Act No. 514/2003 (Reglugerð um Orkusjóð – Regulations on the National Energy Fund)
- Orkusjóðurverklagsreglur (Auglýsing um verklagsreglur Orkuráðs við meðferð láns- og styrkumsókna úr Orkusjóði – Notice on Procedures for the Processing of National Energy Fund Applications)
- Act No. 34/1991 (Lög um fjárfestingu erlendra aðila í atvinnurekstri – Act on Investments in Business Enterprises by Non-Residents)