Hungary: Overall Summary
Updated: 07.01.2019
In Hungary, electricity from renewable energy sources is supported by a feed-in-tariff (FiT) for installations with an installed capacity of 50 kW-500 kW. For installations with a capacity of 0.5-1 MW, the market (‘green’) premium applies. Plants with a capacity >1 MW and all wind power plants are obliged to participate in a tendering procedure in order to receive the green premium. However, the construction and grid connection of wind power plants is currently inhibited by a Government Decree until at least 2019. House-hold-sized power plants up to 50 kW can benefit from net metering. In general, subsidy programmes also promote the use of renewable energy sources in the electricity and heating sector. Subsidy programmes are primarily realised within the framework of the Environment and Energy Efficiency Operational Programme (EEEOP) and the Economic Development and Innovation Programme (EDIOP), offering non-repayable grants and favourable loans. Numerous tenders have been opened, but many are still pending an-nouncement. The main support scheme for the use of renewable energy in the transportation sector is a quota system for fuel-mixing supplemented by a reimbursement of excise duty, alongside lump-sum subsidies for the purchase of electric vehicles.
Renewable energy plants shall be given priority grid connection and grid access. The costs to connect renewable energy plants to the grid and the grid’s expansion are borne either by the plant operator or by the grid operator, depending on certain criteria.
There are a number of policies intending to promote the development, installation and use of RES installations. However, some policies and subsidies have not yet been imple-mented or (fully) opened, respectively.