Updated: 07.01.2019
Author: John Szabo
Household-sized power installations (HMKE) with a capacity of maximum 50 kVA are eligible for net metering in case that the power plant connects to the low-voltage grid (§ 5 (6) Government Decree No. 273/2007 (X. 19.) in conjunction with § 3 No. 24 Act No. LXXXVI of 2007) and the performance of the power plant does not exceed 3x63A (§ 29 (1) Decree No. Decree No. 10/2016 (XI. 14.) The electricity surplus fed into the grid is remunerated by the electricity supplier with the retail electricity price. Connection to the public grid is only possible with an operational approval. If the approval is given, the local electricity traders or the universal supplier ("egyetemes szolgáltató") is obliged to feed the electricity into the grid (§ 4 Government De-cree No. 273/2007 (X. 19.).
Eligible technologies
Household sized power plants with a maximum capacity of 50 kVA are eligible for net metering in case that the power plants connect to the low-voltage grid (§ 5 (6) Government Decree No. 273/2007 (X. 19.) in conjunction with § 3 No. 24 Act No. LXXXVI of 2007) and the performance of the power plant does not exceed 3x63A (§ 29 (1) Decree No. 10/2016 (XI. 14.). In general, all technologies are eligible, but they are not legally specified.
Wind energy | Eligible with a maximum capacity of 50 kVA. |
Biogas | Eligible with a maximum capacity of 50 kVA. |
Hydro-power | Eligible with a maximum capacity of 50 kVA. |
Biomass | Eligible with a maximum capacity of 50 kVA. |
Geothermal energy | Eligible with a maximum capacity of 50 kVA. |
Solar energy | Eligible with a maximum capacity of 50 kVA. |
The electricity produced by the household-sized plant is offset with the generator’s consumed electricity. Any surplus will be fed into the grid and will be remunerated with the retail electricity price. The payment of fix basic grid distribution charges and dis-tribution capacity charges are due. Three situations can be distinguished:
- The electricity consumption exceeds the electricity generation: the grid user pays for the balance of electricity con-sumption and electricity generation (Chapter IV. No. 1 HMKE Regulations).
- The electricity consumption equals the electricity generation: the grid user does not have to pay for any electricity con-sumed, but the fix basic grid distribution charges and the distribution capacity charges are due (Chapter IV. No. 2 HMKE Regulations).
- The electricity consumption is below the electricity generation: the grid user has to pay the fix basic grid distribution charges and the distribution capacity charges; the electricity trader pays the retail price for the excess electricity fed in-to the grid (Chapter IV. No. 3 HMKE Regulations)
Entitled party: Household-sized power plants are entitled to benefit from net metering in case they connect to the low-voltage grid and its capacity does not exceed 50 kVA (§ 5 (6) Government Decree No. 273/2007 (X. 19.) in conjunction with § 3 No. 24 Act No. LXXXVI of 2007) and the performance of the power plant shall not exceed 3x63A (§ 29 (1) Decree No. 10/2016 (XI. 14.)
Obligated party: Electricity traders and universal suppliers (egyetemes szolgáltató) are obliged to take over the electricity pro-duced by household-sized power plants on request of the plant operator at the grid connection point (§ 4 Government Decree No. 273/2007 (X. 19.).
Process flow | - The plant operator of household-sized power plants has to indicate to the grid operator through a formal application (in writing or electronically) if he wishes to connect a household-sized power plant to the grid (§ 5 (3) Government Decree No. 273/2007 (X. 19.)).
- The plant operator of household-sized power plants and the grid operator agree on the billing period, which can be monthly, half-yearly or yearly (§ 5 (5) Government Decree No. 273/2007 (X. 19.)).
- The plant operator is informed about the balance of electrici-ty fed into the grid and the electricity consumption. The plant operator will be remunerated for the electricity surplus by the electricity trader or universal supplier with the retail electricity price (Chapter IV. No. 3 HMKE Regulations).
Competent authority | The Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authori-ty is the competent authority. |
Distribution of costs
Distribution mechanism | Electricity traders and universal suppliers ("egyetemes szolgáltató") are obliged to remunerate the plant operator with the retail electricity price for the electricity surplus fed into the grid (Chapter IV. No. 3 HMKE Regulations). |