Grid development

Updated: 17.01.2019

Author: Georgios Maroulis

There are two types of grid development:

  • General grid development works: This category includes necessary works to ensure grid stability, energy safety and the smooth interconnection with other countries. These works are key measures in the Ten Year Development Study of the Greek Transmission Grid 2017-2026 (DAP). The grid operator is obliged to carry out general grid development works (art. 229 par. 1, art. 237 par. 7 GTSC in conjunction with art. 94 Law No. 4001/2011).
  • Specific grid development woks: These are grid development works necessary to connect one or more plant operators to the grid. After a plant operator has accepted the connection offer, which specifies the necessary expansion works (art. 268 par. 7 and art. 272 GTSC in conjunction with art. 11 par. 5 Law No. 3468/2006), the grid operator, the plant operator and PPC as the owner of the grid sign a connection contract stating that the grid operator will undertake the necessary grid development works (art. 268 par. 1 and art. 272 GTSC in conjunction with art.12 par.  4 FEK B 2373/2011). The grid operator is obliged to take the necessary measures in such a way as to enable the electricity generation plants in planning to be connected to the technically and economically most suitable connection point and to ensure stability criterion “N-1” (art. 272 par. 1 GTSC). Such works are also described in the Ten Year Development Study of the Greek Transmission Grid 2017-2026 (DAP).


Process flow

The Ten Year Development Study of the Greek Transmission Grid 2017-2026 (DAP) defines measures that could facilitate the efficient integration of RES technologies (art.229 GTSC). 

Specific grid development works may be carried out as soon as the plant operator has accepted the connection offer which specifies the necessary expansion works (art. 268 par. 7 and art. 272 GTSC in conjunction with art. 11 par. 5 Law. No. 3468/2011) and the grid operator, the plant operator and PPC as the owner of the grid have signed a connection contract stating that the grid operator will undertake the necessary grid development works (art. 268 par. 1 GTSC in conjunction with art. 12 par. 4 FEK B 2373/2011). Specific development works for which a connection contract has been signed are also among the measures described in the DAP (art. 273 par. 1 GTSC).

Competent authority

Public Power Corporation S.A. (PPC) - electric utility company, Regulatory Authority for Energy (R.A.E.), Independent Power Transmission Operator (ADMIE).

Enforcement of claims

General grid development works, which are considered to be crucial for the Greek economy and are described in the DAP, are carried out by the grid operator (art. 238 par. 3 GTSC).

After the plant operator has accepted the connection offer, which specifies the necessary expansion works (art. 268 par. 7 GTSC), the grid operator, the plant operator and PPC as the owner of the grid sign a connection contract stating that the grid operator will undertake the necessary grid development works (art. 268 par. 1 and art. 272 GTSC in conjunction with art. 12 par. 4 FEK B 2373/2011).


Deadlines regarding a possible development of the grid are specified in the DAP (art .237 par. 1 GTSC) and also depend on the terms of the connection contract in case of specific development measures (art. 272, 268 GTSC). In addition, grid operators should  realise grid development works within:

  • 18 months since the connection agreement for RES plants connected to the distribution grid
  • 24 months since the connection agreement for RES plants connected to the transmission grid (art. 11 par.4 Law No.3468/2006)
  • Wind parks above 150MW, non-interconnected wind parks and RES plants of related capacity are excluded (art.11. par.4 Law No.3468/2006).

Obligation to inform

The plant operator shall supply the grid operator with all technical and operating data required to evaluate the supply connection (e.g. power gradients, harmonics etc.) and shall cooperate in the search for technical solutions (art. 270 par. 5 GTSC).

Distribution of costs

Grid operator

Costs arising from general grid development, i.e. the extension of the grid to the specific grid connection point, are borne by the grid operator (art. 237 par. 1, GTSC).

Plant operator

The costs of grid development woks due to the connection of one or more plant operators are borne by the plant operator(s) (art. 273 GTSC).

Distribution mechanism

After the deduction of certain costs, the costs of grid development are passed on to the consumers in the form of grid use charges (art. 276 par. 2 GTSC). The extent to which grid users such as electricity suppliers may pass on the grid use charges to the final consumers is subject to the general provisions of energy law, whose implementation is monitored by the Regulatory Authority for Energy (art. 278 par. 4 GTSC).

Grid studies

Ten Year Development Study of the Greek Transmission Grid 2018-2027 (DAP), in public consultation phase until 09.03.2016 is available at:  (in Greek only).


Further information

  • Δημόσια Επιχείρηση Ηλεκτρισμού- Public Power Corporation S.A. (PPC) - electric utility company
  • Dimitris Venetidis
  • +30 210 523 77 18
  • PPC website
  • info(at)
  • Ανεξάρτητος Διαχειριστής Μεταφοράς Ενέργειας- Independent Power Transmission Operator (ADMIE)
  • +30-210-5192101
  • ADMIE website
  • Info(at)