Exemplary role of public authorities in accordance with Art. 13 Abs, 5 RES Directive (Plan Bâtiment Grenelle)

Updated: 07.02.2019

Author: Helena Vidalic

There is no programme of the French government promoting the development of a specific renewable energy technology in public buildings. However, the Grenelle Building Plan (Plan Bâtiment Grenelle) was established in order to reach the targets set by the Grenelle of Environment in all building sectors, including public buildings.  

Public existing buildings are submitted to a reduction obligation of the greenhouse gas emissions of 50% by 2018, which involves the need of an increased use of renewable energies (art. 5, Loi n° 2009-967).

As far as new buildings are concerned, they shall meet the energetic performance requirements of the label BBC (Bâtiments Basse Consommation) by 2012 and be energy-positive by 2020, beginning from 1 January 2011 for public buildings (art. 4, Loi n° 2009-967). In this regard, the decree of 21 December 2016 defines the positive-energy and high environmental performance standards of new buildings commissioned by public authorities. According to this decree, new public buildings are considered energy-positive if ithey achieve a balance between their non-renewable energy consumption and their renewable energy production injected into the grid (Art. 2, decret du 21 décembre 2016). The balance thresholds to be met by new public buildings shall be defined in an implementing order. A draft version of this implementing order was submitted for consultation by the Ministries of Housing and the Environment until 10 February 2017. 


All new buildings shall comply with the energetic performance requirements of the label HPE (art. 4, Loi n° 2009-967):

  • From 1 January 2011 for public and service sector buildings as well as for buildings built within the national urban renovation programme
  • From 1 January 2013 for residential buildings

Competent authority

The Grenelle Building Plan was established by the Ministry of Energy.

Further information


Further information

  • Ministère de la Tansition écologique et solidaire - Ministry of the Ecological and Inclusive Transition
  • +33 14 081 212 2
  • website

Basic information on legal sources