Policy in Estonia


Updated: 17.01.2019

Author: Lilian Pungas

Summary of policies

The RES-H infrastructure development is in the capacity of the local authorities, however, nationwide investment supports are made available to promote the wider use of renewable energies and energy efficiency. The R&D is mainly promoted through rounds-based grants, which are allocated based on the application. In the building sector currently no nationwide regulations or minimum standards apply.

Statutory provisions

  • Professions Act (Kutseseadus) RT I 2008, 24, 156 - terms and procedures for the organization of bodies responsible for the allocation of certificates of professional standards, including those foreseen for RES installers.
  • Investment Support for District Heating (Kaugküttesüsteemide investeeringute toetamise tingimused, RT I, 31.01.2017, 26) – this Act lays out the conditions for supporting efficient energy use in district heating systems.
  • Investment eligibility conditions for the renovation of heating systems (Väikeelamute taastuvenergia kasutuselevõtu ja küttesüsteemide uuendamise toetuse kasutamise tingimused ja kord RT I, 25.11.2014, 24) – this Act provides conditions and terms of investment support for promoting renewable energies and improving heating systems in small residential buildings.


Further information

  • Majandus- ja Kommunikatsiooniministeerium (MKM) – Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications
  • Siim Meeliste
  • +372 625 63 42
  • MKM website
  • info(at)mkm.ee
  • Keskkonnainvesteeringute Keskus (KIK) – Environmental Investment Centre
  • + 372 627 4125
  • KIK website