Czech Republic: Summary
Updated: 10.01.2019
Support schemes
In the Czech Republic, renewable energy is supported through either a guaranteed feed-in tariff or a green bonus paid on top of the market price. Plant operators are free to choose either option. However, from January 2014 the support for new RES plants generating electricity has been stopped. The only exemption is small hydro power plants with an installed capacity up to 10 MW and ongoing projects using biomass, wind and geothermal energy. Semi-finished and yet unfinished projects have to meet certain conditions to be eligible for support (installed capacity, granting the state authorisation for the construction – a building permit or planning proceedings, and the date of commissioning) (Transitional Provision No. 1, No. 2 Act No. 165/2012 Coll.).
Renewable energy sources generating electricity are incentivised through subsidies mainly under the Operational Programme “Entrepreneurship and Innovation for Competitiveness” 2014-2020. Additionally, renewable energy sources are exempt from real estate tax.
More about support schemesGrid issues
Operators of renewable energy plants are entitled to priority connection to the grid. The use and the expansion of the grid are subject to general legislation on energy.
More about grid issuesPolicies
The Czech Republic has introduced a certification programme for installers, a building obligation for the use of renewable heating and the exemplary role of public authorities.
More about policies