Bulgaria: Overall Summary

In Bulgaria, electricity from renewable sources is mainly promoted through a premium tariff. All power plants using renewable energy and CHP with an installed capacity of 4 MW and higher should sign contracts with the Electricity System Security Fund (ESSF) on the granting of a premium to offset the difference between the stock price and the price in the long-term contracts that RES-E producers have with the National Electricity Company (NEK). The plants below the threshold will continue to operate under the existing system of FiT and be paid by NEK. 

The connection of renewable energy plants to the grid is subject to the provisions of the general legislation on energy. Renewable energy is not given priority access. 

The use of renewable energy for heating and cooling is promoted through a subsidy from the European Regional Development Fund, several loan schemes and through an exemption for building owners from property tax. 

In Bulgaria, the main support scheme for renewable energy sources used in transport is a quota system. This scheme obliges companies importing or producing petrol or diesel to ensure that biofuels make up a defined percentage of their annual fuel sales. Furthermore, biofuels are supported through a fiscal regulation mechanism.

The following policies aim at promoting the development, installation and usage of RES-installations in Bulgaria: There is a professional training programme for RES-installers as wells as a building obligation for the use of renewable heating and for the exemplary role of public authorities.


Further information

  • Комисия за енергийно и водно регулиране (КЕВР) – Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (EWRC)
  • +359 2 9359 733
  • EWRC website
  • dker(at)dker.bg
  • Германо-Българска индустриално-търговска камара (ГБИТК) - German-Bulgarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (AHK)
  • +359 2 81630 21
  • AHK website
  • Министерство на образованието, младежта и науката – Ministry of Education and Youth
  • +359 2 873 50 21
  • MinEdu website
  • helpdesk(at)mon.bg
  • Фонд „Сигурност на електроенергийната система“ – Energy System Security Fund (ESSF)
  • +359 2 926 3614
  • BGEEF website
  • office_fses(at)fses.bg
  • Държавната агенция за метрологичен и технически надзор (ДАМТН) – State Agency for Metrological and Technical Surveillance (SAMTS)
  • +359 2 980 89 20
  • SAMTS website
  • damtn(at)damtn.government.bg
  • Кредитната линия за енергийна ефективност и възобновяеми енергийни източници (КЛЕЕВЕИ) - Bulgarian Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Credit Line (BEERECL)
  • +359 (2) 9880052
  • BEERECL website
  • office(at)enconservices.com