Austria: Summary

Updated: 18.12.2018

Author: Tim Sternkopf

Support schemes

In Austria, heating and cooling from renewable energy sources is supported through an incentive scheme on the level of the individual federal states (“Länder”).

More about support schemes

Grid issues

In Austria, district heating networks are managed at local level by the individual heat supply companies. There is no federal regulation providing a legal framework for the connection of RES-H plants to the heating grid. Therefore, the connection to the grid is based on the individual contract with the district heating supply company. Detailed information on the connection process can be provided by the Austrian Association of Gas- and District Heating Supply Companies (FGW).

More about grid issues


The following policies aim at promoting the development, installation and usage of RES-installations in Austria: There are four specialisation programmes for RES-installers, numerous quality standards for RES installations, an agreement determining the exemplary role of public authorities and a building obligation for the use of renewable heating.

More about policies

Further information

  • Fachverband der Gas- und Wärmeversorgungsunternehmungen (FGW) / Association of Gas- and District Heating Supply Companies (FGW)
  • +43-1-586 15 24-0
  • FGW website
  • office(at)