Grid development

Updated: 05.01.2019

Author: Georgios Maroulis

A given plant operator may be contractually entitled to the expansion of the grid by the grid operator. This plant operator has to file with the grid operator a request for the expansion of the grid. The grid operator is obliged to make a ‘modification offer’. If the offer is accepted by the plant operator, the connection agreement will be varied to include the terms on which the grid will be modified (sec. 6.9.2 CUSC).

Entitled party. The persons entitled to the expansion of the grid are the plant operators (sec. 6.9.2 CUSC). 

Obligated party. The grid operator is obliged to expand the grid (sec. 6.9.2 CUSC).


Process flow

A given plant operator may be contractually entitled to the expansion of the grid by the grid operator. This plant operator has to file with the grid operator a request for the expansion of the grid. The grid operator is obliged to make a ‘modification offer’. If the offer is accepted by the plant operator, the connection agreement will be varied to include the terms on which the grid will be modified (sec. 6.9.2 CUSC).

Enforcement of claims

A claim for the expansion of the grid arises when a given connection agreement is varied to include the terms on which the grid will be modified (sec. CUSC).


The scope and the limits of a claim for grid development depend on the provisions set out in a given connection agreement (sec. CUSC).

Distribution of costs

Grid development and reinforcement costs are grouped under the Transmission Network Use of System Charge (TNUoS).

Plant operator

Plant operators pay part of the TNUoS (sec. 14 Part 2 CUSC), the remaining amount is paid by suppliers.

Distribution mechanism

  • The grid operator sustains the costs of installing, operating and maintaining the grid.
  • Suppliers and plant operators cover such costs through the TNUoS paid to the grid operator.

Grid studies

United Kingdom

Further information

Basic information on legal sources