Promotion in Sweden
Updated: 18.01.2019
Author: Oskar Vågerö
Summary of support schemes
- Tax regulation mechanism. Companies supplying, importing and producing fossil fuels are obliged to pay energy and carbon dioxide taxes. Biofuels are exempt from these taxes.
- Biofuel quota. Anyone eligible for taxation of energy according to Act No. 1994:1776 (Chapter 4.1 § 1 and 2) are obliged to increase the share of biofuels in diesel- and petrol fuels in order to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions.
The tax regulation mechanism and quota apply to biofuels only.
Statutory provisions
- Act No. 1994:1776 (Lag om skatt på energi - Energy Tax Act)
- Act No. 2010:598 (Lag om hållbarhetskriterier för biodrivmedel och flytande biobränslen - Act on sustainability criteria for biofuels and bioliquids)
- Act No. 2017:1201 (Lag om reduktion av växthusgasutsläpp genom inblandning av biodrivmedel i bensin och dieselbränslen - Act 2017:1201 on reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by mixing of biofuels in petrol- and diesel fuels)
- Förordning 2018:1545 om stöd för utveckling och användning av flytande biogas – Regulation No. 2018:1545 on support for development and use of liquid biogas