Training programmes for Installers

Updated: 10.01.2019

Author: Boris Valach

The certification of RES installers applies to installers of boilers and furnaces for biomass, PV and solar thermal installations, shallow geothermal plants and heat pumps (§ 13a par. 2 RES Act Letter a-d in conjunction with § 2 par. 1 Letter a-c Decree No. 133/2012). However, the legislation on certification of installers is not intended for installers of wind plants (§ 13a par. 2 RES Act).

The certificate can be acquired through the recognition of professional experience and the successful completion of an exam (§ 2 and § 3 Decree No. 133/2012). The professional experience is demonstrated by at least one year of work experience in the energy sector. Following the professional training, a final examination consisting of a practical and theoretical part may be completed before an examining board established by the Ministry of Economy (§ 4 Decree No. 133/2012).


The applicants must prove the completion of either (§ 13a par. 3 Letter a-d RES Act):

  • a secondary vocational education in a technical field
  • a complete secondary vocational education with a technical focus
  • a complete secondary vocational education with post-secondary studies in a technical field or
  • a higher education in a technical field of study

Competent authority

Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic

Further information

A detailed description of the professional training and the contents of the final examination can be found in Annex No. 1-3 to Decree No. 133/2012.

Distribution of costs

Private Financing

The costs for the professional training and examination are borne by the RES installers themselves.


Further information

  • Ministerstvo hospodárstva Slovenskej republiky (MH SR) – Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic
  • Maroš Stano
  • +421 248 541 111
  • MHSR website
  • info(at)

Basic information on legal sources