Promotion in Romania
Updated: 18.01.2019
Author: Cristina Blajin
Summary of support schemes
RES-H technologies may be supported by subsidies from the National Rural Development Programme for own consumption. Furthermore, the Romanian Environmental Fund provides subsidies both for natural persons and administrative-territorial units, religious institutions and public institutions for the installation of heating systems using renewable energy sources.
In April 2017, the government approved through Government Decision no. 216/2017 a new state aid support scheme to promote energy production from less exploited renewable sources, namely biomass, biogas and geothermal energy. The support scheme aims to increase the electricity and thermal energy production from these sources by 60MW until 2023.
In general, the subsidy programmes promote all RES-H technologies.
Statutory provisions
- Call for Proposals – Measure 4 (Fisa masurii 4 – Investitii in active fizice – “Investments in physical assets”)
- Law on the Environmental Fund (Ordonanta de urgenta nr. 196/2005 privind Fondul pentru mediu - Emergency Ordinance No. 196/2005 on the Environmental Fund)
- Order No. 1817/2016 (Ordin Nr. 1817 din 20 septembrie 2016 pentru aprobarea Ghidului de finantare a Programului privind instalarea sistemelor de incalzire care utilizeaza energie regenerabile, inclusiv inlocuirea sau completarea sistemelor clasice de incalzire, beneficiari persoane fizice - Order No. 1817 from 20.09.2016 approving the Subsidy Guidelines for the Programme for installing heating systems using renewable energy sources including replacing or complementing classical heating systems, beneficiaries physical persons )
- Order No. 1818/2016 (Ordin Nr. 1818 din 20 septembrie 2016 pentru aprobarea Ghidului de finantare a Programului privind instalarea sistemelor de incalzire care utilizeaza energie regenerabile, inclusiv inlocuirea sau completarea sistemelor clasice de incalzire, beneficiari unitati administrative-teritoriale, institutii publice si unitati de cult - Order No. 1818 from 2016 approving the Subsidy Guidelines for the Programme for installing heating systems using renewable energy sources including replacing or complementing classical heating systems, beneficiaries administrative-territorial unities, public institutions and religious institutions)
- Government Decision no. 216/2017 (Hotararea nr. 216/2017 privind aprobarea schemei de ajutor de stat avand ca obiectiv sprijinirea investitiilor destinate promovarii productiei de energie din surse regenerabile mai putin exploatate, respectiv biomasa, biogaz, energie geotermala - Government Decision no. 216/2017 approving a state aid scheme for investments promoting energy production from less exploited renewable energy resources, namely biomass, biogas and geothermal energy)