Training programmes for installers
Updated: 09.01.2019
The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland) facilitates market parties and specific organisations to set up training and educational facilities for installers of RES systems in line with the RES 2009/28/EC Directive (Article 14). There are currently training schemes available for all sectors mentioned in the RES Directive. Examination following the training schemes for all RES installation sectors is developed or under development by CITO ( Certification based on training, otherwise proven skills and CITO examination is either available or still under development. Several organisations are involved, including: Stichting Erkenningsregeling van Installateurs (SEI, Installers Recognition Scheme Foundation), ISSO (Knowledge institute for installations sector), SIKB (Foundation providing instruments for soil managements) and sectorial trade organisations. Participation in the training and certification facilities is voluntary.