Order No. D1-275/2010
Name (orig) | Klimato kaitos specialiosios programos lėšų naudojimo tvarkos aprašas |
Name (English) | Guidelines for the Use of the Funds for the Special Programme for Climate Change Mitigation, approved by Order No. D1-275 of the Minister of the Environment of 6 April 2010 |
Full name | Klimato kaitos specialiosios programos lėšų naudojimo tvarkos aprašas, patvirtintas Lietuvos Respublikos Aplinkos ministro 2010 m. balandžio 6 d. įsakymu Nr. D1-275 (Valstybės žinios, 2010, 42-2040; 2013, Nr. 70-3560; TAR, 2018-10-31, Nr. 17511) |
Entry into force | 13.04.2010 |
Last amended on | 26.10.2018 |
Purpose | The order sets out rules for the use of the Fund for the Special Programme for Climate Change Mitigation. |
Relevance for renewable energy | One of the aims of the Special Programme for Climate Change Mitigation is the support of renewable energy sources. |