Certification Programmes for RES installations
Updated: 21.12.2018
In order to be eligible for national support schemes, heat pumps and solar energy installations shall be certified in accordance with existing European Union standards. Thus, heat pumps and their installation are eligible for national support schemes if the heat pumps meet the criteria for the award of the Community eco-label for electrically driven, gas-driven or gas absorption heat pumps, set out in the Directive 2007/742/EC (OJ 2007 L301, p.14). Solar thermal power installations are eligible if they have been certified in accordance with the existing European Union standards, including eco-labels, energy labels and other technical reference systems established by the European Union's standardisation bodies (Chapter IX Art. 47 Par. 3 and 4 Law on Energy from Renewable Sources).
Biomass conversion technologies for heating and cooling (H&C) are eligible for national support schemes if:
- the energy conversion efficiency of biomass H&C plants for home and commercial use is at least 85%
- the energy conversion efficiency of biomass H&C plants for industrial use is at least 70% (Chapter IX Art. 47 Par. 2 Law on Energy from Renewable Sources)