Decision No. 1084/2016 (II.29.)
Name (orig) | A Kormány 1084/2016. (II. 29.) Korm. határozata a Környezeti és Energiahatékonysági Operatív Program 2016. évre szóló éves fejlesztési keretének megállapításáról |
Name (English) | Governmental Decision No. 1084/2016 (II.29.) on the Budget for 2016 of the Environment and Energy Efficiency Operational Programme |
Entry into force | 02.03.2016 |
Last amended on | 31.10.2018 |
Purpose | Disclosure of the annual budget and related funding priorities of the Environment and Energy Effi-ciency Operational Programme (EEEOP). |
Relevance for renewable energy | Following the decision, invitations for tenders are supposed to be initiated. The EEEOP covers 5 funding priorities, inter alia the enhancement of energy efficien-cy and the application of renewa-ble energy sources. The decree determines the funding priorities and the funding amount for each of the priorities. |