Exemplary role of public authorities
Updated: 08.01.2019
The exemplary role of public authorities is currently supported by the Environment and Energy Efficiency Operational Programme (EEEOP) (Decision No. 1084/2016 (II.29.) tenders including:
- EEEOP 5.2.3. Energetic Refurbishment of religious institutions with the use of renewable energy sources, 13.08 billion (approx. € 40.75 million)
- EEEOP 5.2.5. Construction of buildings with almost zero energy needs (model projects), HUF 6.23 billion (approx. € 19.41 million)
The programme applies to projects aiming at increasing the energy efficiency of public buildings with making use of re-newable energy sources. However, similar projects can be found under other operational programmes as well.