Feed-in tariff (Tarif d´achat)
Updated: 07.02.2019
Author: Helena Vidalic
The European State Aid Guidelines require that renewable energy be progressively exposed to market competition. Within this context, the Act on Energy Transition for Green Growth from 17 August 2015 introduced a thorough reshaping of the existing support schemes for renewable energies. To this end, the feed-in tariffs, which constituted the main support mechanism so far, shall progressively be replaced with the so-called “compensation mechanism” (see corresponding section for more information).
Nevertheless, the current support framework still provides for small installations or non-mature energies to benefit from feed-in tariffs (Art. 1, Décret du 28 mai 2016).
Another important change was introduced by the Act on Energy Transition in favour of a more flexible electricity market in France: Renewable energy producers are no longer obliged to sell their electricity exclusively to the national electricity suppliers. The regulation namely extends the management of the purchase obligation of electricity to other operators than EDF or local distribution companies (Art. L314-6-1, Code de l’Énergie). The first supplier to have obtained an accreditation in October 2016 is Enercoop, a cooperative supplier providing energy from 100% renewable sources. However, this accreditation, which entered into force on 1 January 2017, is limited to 75 purchase contracts for a maximum installed capacity of 100 MW.
Eligible technologies
The Act on Energy Transition for Green Growth has thoroughly modified the former support system for renewable energies from 1 January 2017. Nevertheless, certain installations using hydro, wind, photovoltaic or biogas power sources may still benefit from a feed-in tariff contract. The list of eligible installations is established in article 1 of the Decree of 28 May 2016. The general provisions of this article are particularised by orders (arrêtés) for each technology.
Wind energy | Only following plants are eligible:
Solar energy | Eligible with the following restrictions:
Biogas | Eligible with the following restrictions (Art. 1, Arrêté du 13 décembre 2016 biogaz):
Hydro-power | Eligible under the following conditions:
The orders for the specific technologies (arrêtés) determine each the feed-in tariff for a certain source of energy. The tariffs are guaranteed minimum payments, which may be increased by a premium. The tariff rate depends on the costs of investment and operation, which arise for the plant operators but are to be borne by the suppliers. In addition, plant operators may receive a premium, which depends on the amount of electricity exported and is intended to reflect the degree to which this electricity helped achieve the national energy targets (art. L 314-7, Code de l’Énergie). Plants located in the French oversea departments and collectivities (DOMs and COMs) and photovoltaic installations in Corsica are subject to special tariffs.
Wind energy |
Solar energy | The tariff applies to photovoltaic and thermodynamic installations and plants below a maximum power capacity of 100 kW fixed on buildings. The tariffs depend on the type and the total capacity of the installation, without distinction of the use of the building. Every quarter, the degression coefficients Sn and Vn will be adjusted to the number of grid connection requests adopted in the previous quarter (Arrêté du 9 mai 2017 soleil). The French regulatory authority will publish the new coefficients and the resulting changes in tariff levels online approx. 3 weeks after the end of each quarter (art. 14 Arrêté du 9 mai 2017 soleil). The tariffs are published at the following addresses: www.cre.fr/operateurs/producteurs/obligations-d-achat |
Biogas | The amount of the feed-in tariff s is set as follows (Annex 1, Arrêté du 13 décembre 2016 biogaz):
The values for biogas plants between 80 kW and 500 kW are calculated by linear interpolation. Moreover, a bonus of €ct 5 per kWh can be granted for biogas plants using a share of at least 60% of livestock manure (Annex 1, Arrêté du 13 décembre 2016 biogaz). Please note: from 1 January 2018 onwards, the amount of the feed-in tariff shall be decreased by 0,5 % on a quarterly basis (Annex 1, Arrêté du 13 décembre 2016 biogaz). |
Hydro-power |
The persons eligible for the feed-in tariff are the operators of renewable energy installations with a maximum installed capacity of 12 MW. Plants that are located in a wind development area, and operators of biomass CHP plants are eligible as well. The entities obligated to pay the feed-in tariff and satisfy the obligations arising from the tenders are the electricity suppliers. These include EDF (Electricité de France) and local distribution operators (Art. L314-1, code de l’Énergie).
Process flow | The suppliers and the grid operators are obligated by law to enter into purchase agreements with the operators of renewable energy plants (obligation to conclude agreements). Due to the agreement concluded, the plant operator is contractually entitled to payment for the electricity he produces (art. L314-1, Code de l’énergie). |
Competent authority | The competent administrative authority is the Ministry of Energy or the regional prefect, depending on the situation. |
The decrees on the feed-in tariffs for the single technologies provide for the tariffs for existing plants to be inflation-indexed (coefficient "K"). Only the tariff levels for solar energy installations will be adjusted every quarter to the grid connection requests adopted in the previous quarter (Annex 1 Arrêté du 9 mai 2017 soleil). In addition, a certain percentage of each tariff is linked to a degression index (coefficient "L"). This adjustment is made annually on the day the purchase agreement was concluded. The index takes into account the index of labour costs per hour and the index of industrial production costs. The indexed percentage of the tariff is 20% to 60%, depending on the technology.
Wind energy | For wind energy installations located in a cyclonic area, the percentage of the tariff that is subject to reduction (coefficient "L“) is 60% (Art. 7 Arrêté du 8 mars 2013). |
Solar energy | The percentage of the tariff that is subject to reduction (coefficient "L“) is 20% (art. 9 Arrêté du 9 mai 2017 soleil). |
Biogas | The percentage of the tariff that is subject to reduction (coefficient "L“) is 50% (Annex 1, Arrêté du 13 décembre 2016 biogaz). |
Hydro-power | The percentage of the tariff that is subject to reduction (coefficient "L“) is 50% (Annex 4, arrêté du 13 décembre 2016 hydro). |
Solar energy plants:
- Annual cap for installations and plants on the French mainland: peak capacity installed is multiplied by 1,500 hours of full load.
- Annual cap for other installations and plants: peak capacity installed is multiplied by 1,800 hours of full load.
If the cap is reached, all further installation or plants installed will be subject to a lower tariff (€ct 5 per kWh) (art. 6 Arrêté du 4 mars 2011 soleil).
Hydro power plants generating electricity from tidal or wave energy, marine current turbines, and run-of-river plants:
- For plants with a drop height up to 30 meters, the annual cap corresponds to the result of the connection capacity multiplied by 120,000 hours. The connection capacity is mentioned in the grid connection contract of the installation.
- For plants with a drop height over 30 meters, the annual cap corresponds to the result of the connection capacity multiplied by 100,000 hours. The connection capacity is mentioned in the grid connection contract of the installation.
When the above mentinned caps are reached, the electricity produced shall be subject to a lower feed-in tariff amounting to € 40/MWh (Annex 1, arrêté du 13 décembre 2016 hydro).
Biogas plants: The feed-in tariff agreement only covers a total amount of 140,000 full load hours. The feed-in tariff contract is terminated once this cap is reached (Art.9, arrêté du 13 décembre 2016 biogaz).
Eligibility period
According to the orders on the feed-in tariffs for the single technologies, eligibility for the tariff is limited in time. The duration of payment varies according to the source of energy:
- Wind energy in cyclonic areas: 15 years (Art. 4, Arrêté du 8 mars 2013)
- Solar energy (photovoltaic energy): 20 years (Art. 7, Arrêté du 9 mai 2017 soleil)
- Biogas: 20 years (art.10, Arrêté du 13 décembre 2016 biogaz)
- Hydro-electricity: 20 years (Art.9, arrêté du 13 décembre 2016 hydro)
Distribution of costs
Consumers | In France, the end consumers bear the costs arising from the suppliers' obligation to pay for electricity from renewable sources exported to the grid. |
Distribution mechanism |