Connection to the grid

Updated: 07.02.2019

Author: Helena Vidalic

  • Electricity producers are contractually entitled against the grid operator to the connection of renewable energy plants to the grid (art. L111-91 Code de l'énergie). Pursuant to art. 10 Loi 2008-108, the grid operator is obliged to import all electricity produced by renewable energy plants. The term "accès au reseau" used in this Act refers to both access and connection to the grid. Under the resolutions made at the "Grenelle de l'Environnement" summit, i.e. Loi n° 2009-967 and Loi n° 2010-788, each region shall develop a plan for the connection of renewable energy plants to the grid and submit it to the prefects of the region. This plan shall define the grid areas that need to be reinforced to reach the targets of the regional policy plan on climate, air and energy.
  • Off-shore wind farms are to be compensated in case of connection as per the new Decret n° 2018-222. 
  • High-voltage plants. The exact terms regulating the connection of a high-voltage power plant are laid down in a grid connection agreement (convention de raccordement).
  • Low-voltage plants. The connection of plants with a capacity of up to 36 kVA to a low-voltage grid requires the conclusion of an "all-in-one" agreement (convention de raccordement, d'accès et d'exploitation) on connection to the grid, use of the grid and plant operation. 

Entitled party: All authorised electricity producers are entitled to connection (art. L111-93 Code de l´énergie). Authorised producers shall be all operators of renewable energy plants that hold the necessary licence issued by the Ministry for Energy (art. L331-1 Code de l'énergie). 

Obligated party: The obligated party is the grid operator. The companies deemed to be grid operators are Electricité de France (EDF) and all non-nationalised distribution grid operators (art.10 Loi n°2000-108). Loi n°2000-108 only refers to distribution grid operators ("distributeur") even though EDF is a supplier rather than a distribution grid operator.


Process flow

The grid connection procedures may vary according to whether the renewable energy plant is connected to the high voltage (transmission grid) or to the low voltage grid (distribution grid). According to the national distribution grid operator Enedis, plants shall go through the following connection process:

  • Application for connection (applicants must fill in a form and submit the planning permission for the renewable energy plant). All applications are placed on a waiting list.
  • The applicant has the possibility to ask for a detailed study prior to the offer for the technical implementation and the costs of connection. 
  • The grid operator shall submit an offer for the technical implementation and the costs of connection (connection offer - proposition technique et financière, "PTF") to the plant operator within three months after receipt of the application for connection. This period is brought to six weeks when the application concerns individual plants connected to the low voltage grid (max 50kV). In case the application concerns the high voltage grid, an engagement and performance agreement (convention d´engagement de performances) shall be signed between the two parties. The agreement determines the technical and legal conditions relating to the technical performance of the plant.
  • The grid connection agreement (convention de raccordement) is based on the PTF and stipulates, among other things, a deadline for connection and the costs for establishing connection. 

The regulatory authority (Commission de Regulation de l'Energie) is entitled to intervene in case of connection delays caused by the grid operator. 

The claim for connection to the grid arises when the connection agreement has been concluded and the initial payment has been made.

Renewable energy plants located in the public maritime territory are exempted from the required procedures regarding planning permission, as well as from the required procedure regarding the connection of the plant to the grid (Art. R 421-8-1, Code de l´urbanisme).


Grid operator. The grid operator shall submit a PTF to the applicant within three months after receipt of the application and within six weeks when the application concerns individual plants connected to the low voltage grid (max 50kV).The deadlines are the same in case the applicant asked for a detailed study prior to the PTF (three months after receipt of the application and six weeks for plants with max 50kV).

In case of a high voltage grid connection, the grid operator shall submit an engagement and performance agreement within 3 months upon acceptation of the PTF by the applicant.

Applicant. The applicant shall give notice of his consent within three months after receipt of the PTF.

Priority to renewable energy

  • Priority to renewable energy
  • Non-discrimination

The grid operator is obliged to connect plants to the grid without discriminating against certain plant operators (art. L121-4 Code de l´énergie). Electricity generated from renewable sources is not given priority.

Distribution of costs

Plant operator

Plant operators are obliged to bear all costs directly related to the connection of electricity generation plants (including renewable energy plants) (art. 18 Loi n°2000-108). 


Further information

  • Gestionnaire du Réseau de Transport d’Electricité (RTE) – transmission grid operator
  • +33 1 79 24 80 00
  • RTE website
  • Electricité Réseau Distribution France (ERDF) – distribution grid operator
  • +33 1 56 65 11 11
  • ERDF website