Finland: Summary

Updated: 07.01.2019

Author: Karl Wikberg

Support schemes

In Finland, electricity from renewable sources is promoted through a technology neutral tender based premium scheme for electricity from wind, solar, biogas, biomass wood fuels and wave power and through a premium tariff for electricity from wind, biomass and biogas. Apart from these, Finland provides subsidies for investment and research projects.

More about support schemes

Grid issues

In Finland, the use of the grids for the transmission of electricity from renewable sources is regulated by the general legislation on energy (Electricity Market Act - Sähkömarkkinalaki - 588/2013). There are no special provisions for electricity from renewable sources.

More about grid issues


In Finland, state grants are made available to support research and development in the field of renewable energies. RES-H infrastructure development is supported through available investment subsidies. In other areas, such as the building sector and certification and training programmes, the development of specific regulatory measures is still in the process. 

More about policies

Further information

  • Fingrid – transmission system operator
  • +358 303 955 000
  • Fingrid website