Promotion in Czech Republic
Updated: 10.01.2019
Author: Boris Valach
Summary of support schemes
- Subsidies. Generally, RES-H plant operators may receive subsidies for the support of renewable heat from the Operational Programmes (OP) funded by the ERDF.
- Tax regulation mechanism. Operators of renewable heating plants are exempt from real estate tax.
In general, all RES-H technologies are eligible for support.
Statutory provisions
- OP PIK (Operační program Podnikání a inovace pro konkurenceschopnost (OP PIK) 2014-2020 – Operational Programme “Entrepreneurship and Innovation for Competitiveness” 2014-2020)
- OP ŽP (Operační program Životní prostředí (OP ŽP) 2014-2020 – Operational programme “Environment” 2014-2020)
- MŽP Directive No. 6/2014 (Směrnice MŽP č. 6/2014 pro předkládání žádostí a o poskytování finančních prostředků pro projekty z Operačního programu Životní prostředí – Directive of the Ministry of the Environment No. 6/2014 on the Submission of Applications and the Allocation of Grants for Projects under the Operational Programme Environment)
- Act No. 338/1992 (Zákon č. 338/1992 Sb. o dani z nemovitých věcí – Act No. 338/1992 Coll. on the Tax on Immovable Property)