Cyprus: Overall Summary

Updated: 04.01.2019

Author: Georgios Maroulis

In Cyprus, electricity from renewable sources is promoted through subsidy combined with a net metering/ net-biling scheme.  Access of electricity from renewable energy sources to the grid shall be granted according to the principle of non-discrimination. With regard to the use of the grid renewable energy shall be given priority. Grid development is a matter of central planning (Transmission Grid Development Plan 2017-2026 by the Cypriot TSO). In addition, renewable heating and cooling (RES H&C) is promoted by a support scheme, offering subsidies to households.

There is number of policies aiming at promoting the development, installation and use of RES installations as well as specific RES H&C obligations.

More about support schemes More about grid issues More about policies

Further information

  • Διαχειριστής Συστήματος Μεταφοράς Κύπρου (ΔΣΜ) DSM-TSO – Transmission system operator
  • +357 226 116 22
  • DSM website
  • info(at)
  • Ρυθμιστική Αρχή Ενέργειας Κύπρου (ΡΑΕΚ) – Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority (CERA)
  • +357 22666363
  • CERA website
  • info(at)