Connection to the grid | Plant operators have a contractual entitlement to connection of their plant to the grid. The grid operator is obliged to enter into a contract with plant operators. The grid operator shall preferably choose the operators of renewable energy plants as his contractual partners.
Brussels In the Brussels-Capital region, each application for a connection to the electricity distribution grid shall be submitted to the Distribution System Operator. The installations are connected to the low voltage or middle voltage grid according to their capacity.
Flanders Plant operators have to apply for grid connection to the distribution grid operator. Two different procedures apply depending on the access capacity: simple access procedure for an access capacity less than 25 kVA and access procedure of installations with higher capacities requiring a feasibility study. During application, preferential status is granted to renewable energy. The plant operator has to cover a fixed amount of costs that is determined by law, any excess costs are covered by the distribution grid operator.
Wallonia According to the Walloon Energy Commission CWaPE, each application for a connection to the electricity distribution grid shall be submitted to the Distribution System Operator appointed to the area to which belongs the plant operator. Connection applications for installations with a capacity over 25 MVA shall be submitted to the Transmission System Operator Elia.
Use of the grid | A given plant operator has the right to access the grid and that his electricity be purchased if his plant is connected to the grid.
Brussels The access to the grid is subjected to the prior submission to the distribution system operator of a grid access application form. The latter can be submitted by any person having a supplying authorisation or by a grid user, provided the latter has concluded a prior supply agreement with a supplier as well as with an access responsible party.
Flanders Plants have to apply for a delivery permit in order to make use of the grid. Having a permit, an application has to be filed to the distribution grid operator. Minor procedural differences apply according to voltage capacity (<30 kV, ≥ 30 kV). Five days after a complete application has been received, grid usage is disapproved or approved. Use of grid can be curtailed on grounds of safety, reliability and efficiency (emergency curtailment) but need to be communicated by the distribution grid operator, who also is obliged to compensate losses. According to information from the Flemish grid operator, there is no regulation in place that gives preferential status to renewable energy in case of emergency curtailment. In case of congestion the distribution grid operator is obliged to undertake all measures at his disposal to enforce the save, reliable and efficient functioning of the grid by giving access priority to electricity generated from renewable energy in case of congestion.
The access to the grid is conditioned to the prior conclusion of an access agreement between the grid operator and the designated supplier of the plant operator.
A grid access application shall be submitted by the designated supplier and approved by the grid operator before signing a grid access agreement (Art.125, Arrêté du 3 mars 2011). |
Grid development | Plant operators are not entitled to the expansion of the grid. The grid operator is obliged to draft a development plan for the grid in cooperation with the "Direction genérale de l’Energie“ and the "Bureau fédéral du Plan“.
Brussels In general, the grid operator is obliged to undertake the necessary grid extensions on his grid in order to meet the grid connection demands. However, the RES plant operator does not have the right to claim for a grid expansion of the grid operator in case of insufficient grid connection or grid access capacities.
Flanders The distribution grid operator is obliged to expand the grid as long as it is economically viable. Doing so, an investment plan is drafted covering a period of 3 years with yearly revisions and presented to the Flemish Regulator VREG. The latter determines the sufficiency of grid expansion investment. The distribution grid operator bears the costs. In how far the plant operator can intervene and enforce grid expansion is currently under deliberation. According to the Flemish Regulator (VREG), the plant operator can communicate complaints to the VREG.
Wallonia In general, the grid operator is obliged to undertake the necessary grid extensions on his grid in order to meet the grid connection demands. However, the RES plant operator does not have the right to claim for a grid expansion of the grid operator in case of insufficient grid connection capacities. |