Flanders: Subsidy (Ecologic Premium Plus/Strategic Ecologic Support)

Updated: 08.02.2019

Author: Stijn Anciaux

In general, companies are stimulated to invest in environmental friendly and energy efficient technologies via a subsidy scheme consisting of the Ecologic Premium Plus (EP-PLUS) and Strategic Ecologic Support (EP-STRES). An ecologic premium plus (EP-PLUS) is paid to technologies registered within a limited technology list (LTL) compiled and revised by the Ministry on the basis of proposals made by VITO (Independent Research Centre). Technologies not singled out in LTL may apply for strategic ecologic support (EP-STRES). The subsidy is paid to companies that operate in the Flemish region (Art. 10 Decree on Economic Aid). For both, the support cannot be combined with green electricity certificates (Art. 17 6° Decree on Ecological Investment). Projects are selected on a call for project basis 3 times per year.

Eligible technologies

In order to be eligible for subsidy, the premium system differentiates between small and medium-size enterprises (SME) and large ones (LE) (Art. 3 2°, 3° and 4° Decree on Economic Aid Policy in conjunction with Art. 1 3° and 4° Decree on Ecological Investment). According to the Agency Flanders Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Agentschap Innovate en Ondernemen), enterprises are required to exert an activity listed in the NACE code and realise the subsidised investment within Flanders (Art. 10 Decree on Economic Aid Policy). Moreover, the public stake in the company shall be less than 50 % (independence criteria as mentioned in Art. 9 Decree on Ecological Investment). Eligible technologies for EP-PLUS are registered within a limited technology list (LTL) (Art. 15 Decree on Ecological Investment) which can be downloaded from https://www.vlaio.be/nl/media/768. This list is compiled and revised annually by the ministry on the basis of proposals made by VITO (Independent Research Centre). 
Technologies that are not part of LTL can be proposed for recognition to VITO or can apply for EP-STRES. The minimum investment is € 3 million. In order to qualify for EP-STRES, the project should dispose of the following characteristics underlying the project’s strategic dimension (Art. 5 1° - 3° Decree on Ecological Investment):
  • Provision of global environmental and energy solutions at the enterprise level with closed energy and material cycles and process-integrated solutions.
  • Adhering to the global vision of the company in respect of the environment or the sustainable use of energy in the company;
  • Aiming for general environmental or energy policy objectives 
EP-PLUS and EP-STRES projects are selected on a call for project basis 3 times per year. This subsidy cannot be combined with green electricity certificates (Art. 17 6° Decree on Ecological Investment). 

Solar energy


Geothermal energy




Wind energy

If the project qualifies under EP-STRES


If the project qualifies under EP-STRES


If the project qualifies under EP-STRES


The amount of subsidy is calculated as the percentage of extra investments needed in order to obtain a certain level of environmental protection (additional cost of investment) laid out in the LTL list (Art. 21 Decree on Ecological Investment in conjunction with Art. 16 Decree on Economic Aid Policy). The amount of premium (holds for both EP-PLUS and EP-STRES) is determined by the ecological performance of the technology (eco number), the eco class and the volume of the investment differentiating between small and medium enterprises (SME) and large enterprises (LE) (Art. 22 §1 Decree on Ecological Investment). The eco class for EP-PLUS is listed already in the LTL. Concerning EP-STRES an evaluation is done by VITO on an ad-hoc basis. The amount of EP-PLUS and EP STRES is the following:

Eco classEco numberPremium in % SMEPremium in % LE
A955 45 
B630 15 
Maximum premium is € 1 million per company over a period of 3 years (Art. 22 Decree on Ecological Investment).  The premium is paid in 3 rates: the first rate amounting to 30 % is paid earliest 30 days after the application was approved, the second rate corresponds to 30 % and is paid after 60 % of the investment has been realised. Finally, the last rate is paid after the investment is completed and monitored (Art. 24 Decree on Ecological Investment).


The premium scheme is addressed to small and medium size as well as large enterprises as defined in Art. 3 2°, 3° and 4° Decree on Economic Aid Policy to support investment in environmental friendly and energy efficient technologies (Art. 16 Decree on Ecological Investment in conjunction with Art. 5 Decree on Ecological Investment).


Process flow

Every company that fulfils the requirements is eligible for the project calling. Applications have to be submitted online via www.ecologiepremie.be. After the premium has been granted, investments need to be realised within 3 years after the approval (Art. 7 Decree on Ecological Investment).

Competent authority

Enterprise Flanders (Agentschap Ondernemen) is in charge.

Distribution of costs


The budget is provided by the Flemish state.


Further information