Connection to the grid

Updated: 08.02.2019

Author: Stijn Anciaux

Plant operators are contractually entitled to be connected to the grid by the grid operator. The grid operator is obliged to enter into these agreements of which the essential contents are defined by law (Art. 112 Arrêté du 19 décembre 2002). Prior to entering into an agreement, the grid user shall submit an application for connection (demande de raccordement) to the grid operator. The claim for grid connection arises at the date of the conclusion of the agreement.

Every plant operator or grid user that meets the technical conditions of a so-called "utilisateur du réseau“ is entitled to connection (Art. 45-78 Arrêté du 19 décembre 2002).

The obligated party is the grid operator (Art. 3-9 Arrêté du 19 décembre 2002).


In the Brussels-Capital region, each application for a connection to the electricity distribution grid shall be submitted to the Distribution System Operator (Art. 73 Arrêté du 23 mai 2014). The installations are connected to the low voltage or middle voltage grid according to their capacity. Installations with a grid connection capacity:

  • up to 56 kVA are connected to the low voltage grid 
  • between 56 and 250 kVA can be connected either to the low or to the middle voltage grid, depending on the connection proposal of the grid operator
  • larger than 250 kVA are connected to the middle voltage grid (Art. 73, Arrêté du 23 mai 2014). 

Each connection to the grid shall meet the technical requirements C2/112 and C1/107 of SYNERGRID (Art. 79, Arrêté du 23 mai 2014). Moreover, RES installations shall comply with the additional technical requirements C 10/11 of SYNERGRID (Art. 91, Arrêté du 23 mai 2014).

Plant operators have to apply for grid connection to the distribution grid operator. Two different procedures apply depending on the access capacity: simple access procedure for an access capacity less than 25 kVA (Art. III.3.2.3. Technical Regulation) and access procedure of installations with higher capacities requiring a feasibility study (Art. III.3.2.5. Technical Regulation). Moreover, there is a procedure for temporary grid connection (Art. III.3.2.4. Technical Regulation). During application preferential status is granted to renewable energy. The plant operator has to cover a fixed amount of costs that is determined by law, any excess costs are covered by the distribution grid operator.

According to the Walloon Energy Commission CWaPE, each application for a connection to the electricity distribution grid shall be submitted to the Distribution System Operator appointed to the area to which the plant operator belongs. Connection applications for installations with a capacity over 25 MVA shall be submitted to the Transmission System Operator Elia. Each connection to the grid shall meet the technical requirements C2/112 and C1/107 of SYNERGRID (Art. 52 Arrêté du 3 mars 2011). Each natural or moral person has the right to apply for a grid connection (Art. 77 Arrêté du 3 mars 2011).  


Process flow

The distribution grid operator operates on the national level on grids with a voltage of 150 kV to 380 kV. The following procedure applies therefore to all regions:

  • First, the generator applies to the grid operator for connection.  Art. 95 of Arrêté du 19 décembre 2002 outlines the information that must be provided for the application.
  • After receipt of a complete application, the grid operator conducts a thorough examination to present technical solutions for the connection of the plant to the grid. The applicant is obliged to bear the costs of this examination (Art. 95, 5° Arrêté du 19 décembre 2002).
  • After an applicant has accepted the technical solution proposed by the grid operator, a grid connection agreement is concluded.

Prior to submitting an application for connection, a plant operator may request the grid operator to conduct a benchmark study (Art. 79 Arrêté du 19 décembre 2002). This benchmark study shall include a cost estimate for connection (Art. 88 and 80 Arrêté du 19 décembre 2002). The costs of the benchmark study shall be borne by the applicant. 

Where technically feasible, the grid operator is obliged to give priority to renewable energy plants with a capacity of up to 25 MW when conducting benchmark studies or processing applications for connection (Art. 79 §2 and 100 Arrêté du 19 décembre 2002).


Installations to be connected to the low voltage distribution grid: The submission of a grid connection application for the low voltage grid does not request the prior realisation of an orientation or a detailed study (Art. 116, Arrêté du 23 mai 2014).

Installations to be connected to the middle voltage distribution grid: In order to obtain a preliminary grid connection project informing about the feasibility and the technical details of the grid connection of the installation, the applicant has the possibility to ask the grid operator for an “orientation study” (Art. 94-96, Arrêté du 23 mai 2014). Moreover, the application for a grid connection requires the realisation by the grid operator of a detailed study (étude de détail) paid for by the applicant (Art. 94-95 and 102, Arrêté du 23 mai 2014).


Every grid operator is obliged to publish tariffs and conditions for grid access and usage (Art. 4.1.18 §2 Energy Decree). Access can be denied on the basis of insufficient capacity, safety and technical reasons as well as non-eligibility (Art. 4.1.18 § 2. Energy Decree). A written reasoning thereof has to be sent to the applicant (Art. 4.1.18 §3 Energy Decree). Conditions on cutting or interrupting access are laid out in Art. 4.1.18 §3 containing emergency situations etc. The application of access contains the applicant’s identity and contact details, ownership relationship to the installation and plant including a floor plan, the actual access capacity and voltage level, technical characteristics of the installation and further information relevant for determining consumption profile (Art. III.3.3.1 §2 Technical Regulation). Generally, one has to differentiate between simple access with an access capacity less than 25 kVA (Art. III.3.2.3. Technical Regulation) and access of installations with higher capacities requiring a feasibility study (Art. III.3.2.5 Technical Regulation). 

Regarding simple access, the application is handed over to the distribution grid operator via letter, e-mail or the website. Within 5 days, the distribution grid operator has to communicate to the applicant if the application is inadmissible. If not, the grip operator will send the applicant a binding offer (stating conditions and further steps) or a written stated denial within 10 days (Art. III. 3.3.3 - 6 Technical Regulation).

Applying for access to capacities < 25 MVA, the application has to be sent to the distribution grid operator of lowest voltage level stating whether an orientation study or detailed study is requested. The costs thereof are published by the distribution grid operator. The orientation study is facultative for high voltage access and not binding to either party (Art. III.3.3.14 Technical Regulation). Costs have to be covered by the applicant. The distribution operator can request further information but has to communicate its decision within 15 days (maximum 30 days if access to voltage > 30kV or access of installation with a capacity higher than 1 MVA) (Art. III.3.3.20 Technical Regulation).

The access with study is designed as part of a price offer in line with the regulator‘s policy (Art. III.3.3.15 Technical Regulation). Two procedures are laid out by regulation: an orientation study with preliminary access and a detailed study with design of access. Regarding orientation study with preliminary access, the distribution grid operator has to communicate the admissibility or denial of the application within 15 days (max. 30 days) after a complete application has been received (Art. III.3.3.20 §1 Technical Regulation). The preliminary connection study entails a scheme of the planned connection, technical requirements and an estimation of costs (Art. III.3.3.20 §3 Technical Regulation). Concerning a detailed study with design of access, the distribution grid operator has to communicate the admissibility of the application within 10 days after a complete application has been received in a written form. Within 30 days (max. 50 days), the decision on access or denial is communicated including further steps of implementation.

Both procedures give preferential status to renewable energy (Art. III.3.1.20. §4 Technical Regulation).

If access capacity is between 250 kVA and 15 MVA, access is established from high voltage grid via the distribution grid operators to the lowest voltage level (Art. III.3.1.3. §3 Technical Regulation). If access capacity is between 15 MVA and 25 MVA, the distribution grid operator can decide on the basis of technical and economic considerations to transfer application to the operator of a higher voltage level (Art. III.3.1.3. §4 Technical Regulation).


Installations to be connected to the low voltage distribution grid: Each application for grid connection has to be done according to the procedure published by the grid operator on its website (Art. 94 Arrêté du 3 mars 2011).

Installations to be connected to the middle voltage distribution grid: In order to enquire about the feasibility and the technical details of the grid connection of the installation, the applicant has the possibility to ask the grid operator for an “orientation study” (Art. 65 Arrêté du 3 mars 2011). However, before applying for an orientation study, the applicant can obtain a preliminary notice about the connection possibilities of the operator. Moreover, the application for a grid connection requires the realisation by the grid operator of a detailed study (étude de détail) paid for by the applicant (Art. 77 Arrêté du 3 mars 2011). 


The date of connection to the grid depends on the terms of the agreement. 

  • Where an application for a benchmark study has been accepted, the grid operator shall present the results of the study within 40 working days (Art. 87 Arrêté du 19 décembre 2002).
  • The grid operator is obliged to examine an application and inform the plant operator of missing documents and information within 10 days from the receipt of the application (Art. 97 Arrêté du 19 décembre 2002).
  • The grid operator and the plant operator are obliged to reach an agreement on the technical solution for connection within 60 days as soon as the application is complete (Art. 105 Arrêté du 19 décembre 2002).
  • The grid operator and the plant operator shall conclude a connection agreement within 30 days after having reached an agreement on the technical solution (Art. 109 in conjunction with Art. 107 Arrêté du 19 décembre 2002).


Installations to be connected to the low voltage distribution grid:

  • Maximum 5 working days after receipt of an application for an orientation study, the grid operator verifies whether the application is complete and notifies the applicant (Art. 117, Arrêté du 23 mai 2014).
  • Maximum 10 working days after receipt of an application for grid connection and after having controlled whether the application is complete, the grid operator provides the plant operator with a grid connection proposal mentioning the technical and financial details as well as the deadlines of the grid connection (Art. 118, Arrêté du 23 mai 2014).
  • For installations with a capacity greater than 56 kVA, the grid operator has the possibility to charge for an orientation study (Art. 118, Arrêté du 23 mai 2014).
  • The grid operator begins the grid connection works only after having received the full payment as indicated in the proposal (Art. 119, Arrêté du 23 mai 2014).

Installations to be connected to the middle voltage distribution grid:

  • Maximum 5 working days after receipt of an application for an orientation study, the grid operator verifies whether the application is complete and notifies the applicant (Art. 97, Arrêté du 23 mai 2014).
  • Maximum 15 working days after receipt of an application for an orientation study, the grid operator notifies his decision to the plant operator either by proposing a grid connection draft or by motivating his refusal to grid connection (Art. 100, Arrêté du 23 mai 2014).
  • Maximum 10 working days after receipt of an application for grid connection and after having controlled whether the application is complete, the grid operator reserves the grid uptake capacity for the applicant (Art. 103, Arrêté du 23 mai 2014).
  • Within 15 working days after receipt of a complete application, the grid operator either notifies a motivated refusal or provides the plant operator with a grid connection proposal mentioning the technical details and the deadlines of the grid connection as well as the description of the prior works to be done by the applicant in order to allow the grid connection (Art. 105, Arrêté du 23 mai 2014).
  • Within 20 working days after the applicant has accepted the grid connection proposal, the grid operator shall provide him with a grid connection agreement (Art. 109, Arrêté du 23 mai 2014).
  • The deadline for the realisation of the grid connection depends on the agreement with regard to the possible grid reinforcements that need to be done (Art. 112, Arrêté du 23 mai 2014).


Regarding simple access, the application is handed over to distribution grid operators via letter, email or the website. Within 5 days, the distribution grid operator has to communicate to the applicant if the application is inadmissible. If not, the grid operator will send the applicant a binding offer (stating conditions and further steps) or a written stated denial within 10 days (Art. III. 3.3.3 – 6 Technical Regulation). The connection is carried out within 15 days after payment by the applicant has been received.

Regarding the orientation study with preliminary access, the distribution grid operator has to communicate the admissibility or denial of the application within 15 days (max. 30 days) after a complete application has been received (Art. III.3.3.20 §1 Technical Regulation). Concerning a detailed study with design of access, the distribution grid operator has to communicate the admissibility of the application within 10 days after a complete application has been received in a written form. Within 30 days (max. 50 days), the decision on access or denial is communicated including further steps of implementation. The connection is carried out within 18 days after payment by applicant has been received.

In case the access to the grid was denied, an appeal can be filed to the VREG that has to settle the dispute within 2 months after receiving the appeal (Art. III.3.4.1 Technical Regulation).


Installations to be connected to the low voltage distribution grid:

  • Maximum 10 working days after receipt of an application for grid connection and after having controlled whether the application is complete, the grid operator sends a grid regulation document informing about the technical and financial conditions of the grid connection as well as about the deadlines for the grid connection. For installations with a capacity between 10 and 56 kVA, the grid operator sends a grid connection proposal. The grid operator has the possibility to postpone the latter by 10 days (Art. 94 Arrêté du 3 mars 2011).
  • For installations with a capacity greater than 56 kVA, the grid operator has the possibility to charge for a detailed study (Art. 94 Arrêté du 3 mars 2011).

Installations to be connected to the middle voltage distribution grid:

  • Maximum 15 working days after receipt of an application for an orientation study, the grid operator notifies his decision to the plant operator either by proposing a grid connection draft or by motivating his refusal to grid connection (Art. 71, Arrêté du 3 mars 2011).
  • Maximum 10 working days after receipt of an application for grid connection and after having controlled whether the application is complete, the grid operator sends an acknowledgment of receipt (Art. 80, Arrêté du 3 mars 2011).
  • Once the application is complete and the costs of the detailed study are paid, the grid operator reserves the grid uptake capacity for the applicant (Art. 80, Arrêté du 3 mars 2011).
  • Within 30 working days after receipt of a complete application and payment of the detailed study, the grid operator provides the plant operator with a “technical and financial grid connection proposal” (proposition technique et financière de raccordement) (Art. 82, Arrêté du 3 mars 2011).
  • Within 10 working days after the plant operator has accepted the technical and financial grid connection proposal, the grid operator provides him with a grid connection agreement (Art. 83, Arrêté du 3 mars 2011).
  • Upon receipt of the signed grid connection agreement, the grid operator allocates the necessary grid uptake capacity to the plant operator (Art. 83, Arrêté du 3 mars 2011).
  • The deadline for the realisation of the grid connection depends on the agreement with regard on the possible grid reinforcements which need to be done (Art. 90 Arrêté du 3 mars 2011).

Obligation to inform

In general, there is no obligation of the grid operator to inform the plant operator. An obligation of the plant operator to communicate estimations of his capacity needs for the next 3 years does exist, provided the plant operator disposes of a grid connection capacity greater than 2 MVA (Art. 46, Arrêté du 23 mai 2014).

In general, there is no obligation of the grid operator to inform the plant operator. However, the Walloon grid code stipulates that in the case of installations to be connected on the low voltage grid, the grid operator shall send a grid regulation document informing about the technical and financial conditions of the grid connection (Art. 94 Arrêté du 3 mars 2011).

Priority to renewable energy

  • Priority to renewable energy
  • Non-discrimination

Renewable energy plants shall be granted priority connection unless grid security is at stake. This principle of priority shall be applied at all stages of the examination of a grid connection project (preliminary examination and application for connection, Arts. 79 § 2, 94 § 2, 100 § 8 of Arrêté du 19 décembre 2002).


The distribution system operator shall give priority to installations using renewable energies. This applies to the orientation study, to the grid connection application as well as to the grid connection itself (Art. 98, 104 and 112, Arrêté du 23 mai 2014).

Flanders According to the Flemish Regulator for Electricity and Gas (VREG), no preferential status is explicitly granted to renewable energy in connecting an installation to the grid.


The distribution system operator shall give priority to installations using renewable energies. This applies to the orientation study as well as to the grid connection (Art. 72, 81 and 90 Arrêté du 3 mars 2011)

Distribution of costs

Plant operator

The costs of grid connection are borne by the plant operator who submitted the application for connection. The costs arising from the mandatory examinations, the preliminary examination and the examination of the grid connection project are borne by the plant operator. They are deducted from the costs of grid connection.


The costs of the orientation study and of the detailed study as well as the costs of the grid connection itself are borne by the applicant according to the prices published by the distribution system operators (Art. 95 and 114, Arrêté du 23 mai 2014).

Plant operator as applicant has to pay the amount calculated on the basis of a virtual connection (the costs of the shortest distance that is available between the installation and the grid) (Art. 6.4.13 §1Energy Regulation).


The costs of the orientation study as well as the costs of the detailed study are borne by the applicant according to the prices given by the CWaPE (Art. 69 and 77, Arrêté du 3 mars 2011). Moreover, the Walloon Energy Department informs that the plant operator has to bear the costs of the grid connection to the first connection bay.

Grid operator


The difference between the actual costs and the costs calculated on the basis of a virtual connection (the costs of the shortest distance that is available between the installation and the grid) are covered by the grid operator to whose net access is granted as part of his public service obligation (Art. 6.4.13 §1 Energy Regulation). 

Capacity limits (quantitative criteria)


The grid operator has no obligation to expand the grid in order to connect further installations in case of insufficient capacities of the grid. However, the grid operator has the general obligation to plan and undertake the necessary grid extensions on his grid in order to meet the grid connection demands (Art. 5 and 7 Ordonnance du 19 juillet 2001).


The distribution net operator is obliged to expand the distribution grid as long as it is economically reasonable (Art. III.3.1.1 §1 Technical Regulation) (Art. 4.1.6. 1° Energy Decree).


According to the Walloon Energy Department, the grid operator is not obliged to expand the grid in order to connect further installations in case of insufficient capacities of the grid and there is no compensation mechanism either.


Further information

  • Sibelga, gestionnaire des réseaux de distribution d'électricité et de gaz naturel de la région de Bruxelles-Capitale – Sibelga, Distribution System Operator for electricity and gas of the Brussels-Capital region
  • +32 25 49 41 00
  • Sibelga website
  • clients(at)
  • Vlaamse Regulator van de Elektriciteits- en Gasmarkt (VREG) – Flemish Electricity and Gas
  • +32 2 55 313 79
  • VREG website
  • info(at)
  • Service Public de Wallonie (SPW) Direction Générale opérationnelle de l'Energie (DGO4) – Public Service of the Walloon region – Directorate General for Energy (DG04)
  • + 32 81 48 63 11
  • SPW website