Policy in Spain


Updated: 06.02.2019

Author: Moira Jimeno

Summary of policies

Training programmes for installers. The national system of qualification and professional formation (NSQPF) provides a structured framework for the provision of vocational training also for energy.

Certification Programmes for RES installations. As regards certification, an obligation to be certified is in place for solar thermal panels to comply with international standards.

RD&D Policies. A State Plan of Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2017 – 2020 establishing goals and priorities of the national research policy in the mid-term in the RES-E, RES-H&C and RES-T sectors was approved at the end of 2017. One of its strategic actions is “Energy and Climate Change”.

Building obligations. With respect to buildings and RES, it is stated in the technical building code that all new buildings or buildings undergoing major renovation in which there is demand for warm sanitary water / air conditioning of a covered swimming pool must satisfy some of this demand through solar thermal installations. There is also a programme aimed at providing financial support for large RES thermal plants (GIT) to supply warm water and air conditioning to buildings.


All policies apply to solar thermal. The NSQPF also applies to PV installations and wind power plants and the GIT programme applies to biomass and geothermal too. The national plans of R&D do not specify technologies, but only types of projects. It is possible that technologies are specified in the single calls under the R&D plan.

Statutory provisions

  • L 5/2002 (Ley 5/2002, de 19 de junio, de las Cualificaciones y de la Formación Profesional -Law 5/2002 of June 19 of qualifications and professional formation)
  • ORDEN 28/07/1980 (Orden de 28 de julio de 1980 por la que se aprueban las normas e instrucciones técnicas complementarias para la homologación de los paneles solares. - Order of 28 July 1980 that approves rules and technical instructions for homologation of PV installations )
  • Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica (2013 – 2016) - National plan of scientific research, development and technological innovation 2013 – 2016
  • CTE (Código Técnico de la Edificación - National building code)
  • Programa GIT (Grandes Instalaciones Térmicas) – Programme for Large Thermal


Further information

  • Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica (MITECO)– Ministry for the Ecological Transition
  • +34 91 597 65 77
  • Ministry website
  • Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia (CNMC) - National Commission on Markets and Competition
  • +34 914 329 600
  • CNE website
  • dre(at)cne.es