RD 359/2017

Updated: 06.02.2019

Name (orig)

Real Decreto 359/2017, de 31 de marzo

Name (English)

Royal Decree 359/2017, of 31 March, setting a call for the allocation of the specific compensation regime for new plants of electricity production from renewable energy sources (RES), located in the mainland electricity system.

Full name

Real Decreto 359/2017, de 31 de marzo, por el que se establece una convocatoria para el otorgamiento del régimen retributivo específico a nuevas instalaciones de producción de energía eléctrica a partir de fuentes de energía renovables en el sistema eléctrico peninsular.

Entry into force



Regulating the administrative, technical and economic conditions for the supply and production of electricity under the self-consumption mechanism.

Relevance for renewable energy

This decree applies allocating the Premium tariff to new RES.


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