Certification Programmes for RES installations

Updated: 06.02.2019

Author: Moira Jimeno

This is an obligatory certification for thermal solar panels to comply with the following international standards: UNE-EN 12975-1, ISO 9806 and UNE-EN 12976. Specifically, UNE-EN 12975-1 and ISO 9806 apply to solar collectors with liquid cooling systems and UNE-EN 12976 applies to prefabricated thermal solar panels. 


This scheme applies to producers of solar collectors and prefabricated thermal solar panels.

Competent authority

Ministry for the Ecological Transition

Further information

Distribution of costs

Plant manufacturers

Plant producers are the ones that need to comply with the obligation.


Further information

  • Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica (MITECO)– Ministry for the Ecological Transition
  • +34 91 597 65 77
  • Ministry website

Basic information on legal sources