Promotion in Slovenia


Updated: 13.02.2019

Author: Saša Rajković

Summary of support schemes

Tender. The Slovenian Energy Agency publishes annually an open call for tenders for plants producing electricity from renewable energy sources and high-efficient cogeneration for admission to the support scheme. All production facilities connected to the grid after 22 September 2014, could take part in the currently open public tender published by the Energy Agency. The operators of renewable energy plants connected to the grid before 22 September 2014 may sell their electricity to the Slovenian power market operator Borzen at a "uniform annual price", i.e. the feed-in tariff (alternatively, they can opt for a premium tariff).

Subsidies. In Slovenia the Slovenian Environmental Fund (Eko sklad) invites applications for tenders and publishes public calls on a regular basis. The Ministry of Infrastructure (Directorate for Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Sources Division) also publishes specific calls and tenders (Currently there are no public calls of the Ministry open in the field of RES).

Loans. The Slovenian Environmental Fund (Eko sklad) invites applications for soft loans.


In Slovenia, all renewable energy generation technologies are generally eligible for support. However, there are limits to the plant size for certain technologies. Limitations on eligibility for subsidies and loans may be specified in the applicable call for applications document.

Statutory provisions

  • ZUP (Zakon o splošnem upravnem postopku - neuradno prečišceno besedilo, PisRS z dne 08.10.2013 - Administrative Procedures Act)
  • EZ-1 (Energetski zakon – EZ-1 – Uradni list RS, št. 17/2014 – Energy Act)
  • RS 89/2008 (Pravilnik o spodbujanju učinkovite rabe energije in rabe obnovljivih virov energije - Uradni list RS, št. 89/2008 - Resolution on Promoting Energy Efficiency and the Use of Renewable Energy)
  • RS 57/2004 (Resolucija o Nacionalnem energetskem programu - Uradni list RS, št. 57/2004 - Resolution on the National Energy Programme)
  • RS 50/2007 (Pravilnik o postopkih za izvrševanje proračuna Republike Slovenije - Uradni list RS, št. 50/2007 - Regulation on the Allocation of the Budget)
  • Statute of the Eco Fund (Akt o ustanovitvi Eko sklada, Slovenskega okoljskega javnega sklada – Uradni list RS, št. 112/2009 - Act on Establishing the Eco Fund – the Slovenian Environmental public Fund)
  • Terms and Conditions of the Eco Fund (Splošni pogoji poslovanja za spodbujanje razvoja na področju varstva okolja – Uradni list RS, št. 117/2005 – General terms and conditions for promoting the development in the field of environmental protection)
  • RS 46/2015 (Uredba o načinu določanja in obračunavanja prispevka za zagotavljanje podpor proizvodnji električne energije v soproizvodnji z visokim izkoristkom in iz obnovljivih virov energije – Uradni list RS, št. 36/14 - Decree on the Calculation and Payment of the Support for High-Efficiency CHP Generation and Renewable Energy Generation)
  • RS 74/2016 (Uredba o podporah elektriki, proizvedeni iz obnovljivih virov energije in v soproizvodnji toplote in elektrike z visokim izkoristkom - Uradni list RS, št. 74/16 - Decree on support for electricity generated from renewable energy sources and from high-efficiency cogeneration)
  • Decision no. 430-26/2014/2 (Metodologija za določanje cene elektrike proizvodnih naprav in referenčnih stroškov proizvodnje elektrike proizvodnih naprav - Methodology for determining the electricity price and reference costs of electricity generating plants)
  • Call No. 56PO16 (Javni poziv za kreditiranje okoljskih naložb 56PO16 - Uradni list RS, št. 28/16 in 39/18 - Call for applications for loans granted by the Eco Fund for environmental investments)
  • Call No. 60LS17 (Javni poziv za kreditiranje okoljskih naložb lokalnih skupnosti 60LS17 - Uradni list RS, št. 75/17 - Call for applications for loans granted by the Eco Fund for environmental investments by local communities)
  • Call No. 59OB17 (Javni poziv za kreditiranje okoljskih naložb Občanov 59OB17 - Uradni list RS, št. 44/17, 72/17, 39/18 in 84/18 - Public Call for Applications for Loans for Environmental Investments by Residents 59OB17)


                        Further information

                        • Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo (MZI) – Ministry of Infrastructure Direktorat za energijo – Directorate for Energy
                        • +386 1 478 80 00
                        • website
                        • gp.mzip(at)