Connection to the grid

Updated: 14.02.2019

Author: Saša Rajković

The plant operator applies to the grid operator and submits a request for connection to the grid (chapter II § 4 and 6 of the Conditions for Access to the Grid § 369 - 371 EZ-1).

Where the plant operator satisfies all requirements for connection and a final decision has been made, the grid operator grants a permission to connect the power plant to the grid (chapter II § 7 Conditions for Access to the Grid; chapter IV § 15 Decree on Access to the Grid). Before the plant is connected to the grid, the plant operator and the grid operator shall conclude a connection agreement. A claim for connection may arise from the terms of a grid connection agreement (chapter II § 20 Conditions for Access to the Grid; chapter IV § 22 Decree on Access to the Grid).

An overview of certain steps can also be seen here:

The transmission and distribution system operators shall, within their control over network operations and dispatch units, and within the possibilities of the grid, give priority to renewable power and high-efficiency CHP powers plants (§ 372 par. 2 EZ-1).


Process flow

Application: The plant operator applies to the grid operator for a connection. In his application, the applicant is required to state, inter alia: his personal data, the location and capacity of the power plant, the type of infrastructure, and the planned connection date (detailed description in chapter II § 6 Conditions for Access to the Grid; chapter III § 16 Decree on Access to the Grid).

Requirements: The power plant operator is required to present a valid energy permit, a connection consent and a valid declaration for a production facility. If the power plant operator cannot yet provide the declaration, he may still request connection; however, he must present the declaration within 6 months after the plant has been put into operation (§ 371 EZ-1).

Connection agreement: After the grid operator has given final permission to connect and before the power plant is actually connected to the grid, the plant operator and the grid operator shall conclude a connection agreement (chapter II § 22 Conditions for Access to the Grid; chapter IV § 20 Decree on Access to the Grid).

Right to be connected: The right to be connected to the grid arises on the day on which the connection agreement is concluded. The grid operator is obliged to connect the plant within 8 days after the agreement was made (chapter III § 36 of the Conditions for Access to the Grid).


The permission to connect is valid for two years; thus, it shall be renewed every two years. If the permission ceases to be valid, entitlement to connection terminates (chapter II § 14 Conditions for Access to the Grid).

Obligation to inform

The grid operator is obliged to inform the power plant operator of the following (and vice versa) (§§ 23, 31 and 121 of the Conditions for Access to the Grid):

  • any work done on the access point (at least 8 day in advance, in writing)
  • any changes in the name, title, place of residence (headquarters) and other details related to the parties of the contract
  • any changes on the monitoring site at the access point, which affect the calculation of energy production.

Priority to renewable energy

  • Priority to renewable energy
  • Non-discrimination

Renewable energy is given priority; RES generators are entitled to priority connection to the grid. The grid operator shall not refuse to connect RES plants (§ 369 par. 2 EZ-1).

Distribution of costs

Plant operator

The plant operator shall bear the cost of connection to the grid (chapter IV § 22 Decree on Access to the Grid; § 369 par. 2 EZ-1).


Further information

  • ELES, d.o.o., sistemski operater prenosnega elektroenergetskega omrežja – Transmission Grid Operator ELES Ltd.
  • + 386 1 474 30 00
  • website
  • info(at)