Policy in Slovakia


Updated: 10.01.2019

Author: Boris Valach

Summary of policies

  • The certification of RES installers applies to installers of boilers and furnaces for biomass, PV and solar thermal installations, shallow geothermal plants and heat pumps (§ 13a par. 2 Letter a-d RES Act).
  • Energy certification is required for public buildings with a total floor area of more than 250 m², newly constructed or renovated buildings as well as for all other buildings that are sold or rented to a new tenant (§ 5 par. 2 Letter a-c Act No. 555/2005 Coll.). The details on the calculation of the energy performance of buildings and the content of energy certificates are set by the Decree No. 311/2009 Coll. of the Ministry of Construction and Regional Development of the Slovak Republic.


The available support policies apply for all RES technologies. However, the legislation on certification of installers is not intended for installers of wind plants (§ 13a par. 2 RES Act).

Statutory provisions

  •  RES Act No. 309/2009 Coll. (Zákon č. 309/2009 Z. z. o podpore obnoviteľných zdrojov energie – Act No 309/2009 Coll. on the Support of Renewable Energy Sources)
  •  Act No. 555/2005 Coll. (Zákon č. 555/2005 Z. z o energetickej hospodárnosti budov – Act No. 555/2005 Coll. on Energy Performance of Buildings)
  •  Decree No. 133/2012 Coll. (Vyhláška č. 133/2012 Z. z. Ministerstva hospodárstva Slovenskej republiky, ktorou sa ustanovuje rozsah odbornej pripravy, rozsah skúšky, podrobnosti o zriaďovaní a činnosti skúšobných komisií a obsah osvedčenia pre inštalatérov – Decree No. 133/2012 Coll. Regulating the Training and Certification of Installers)
  •  Decree No. 311/2009 Coll. (Vyhláška č. 311/2009 Z. z. Ministerstva výstavby a regionálneho rozvoja Slovenskej republiky, ktorou sa ustanovujú podrobnosti o výpočte energetickej hospodárnosti budov a obsah energetického certifikátu – Decree No. 311/2009 Coll. on Calculation of the Energy Performance of Buildings and the Content of Energy Certificate)


Further information

  • Ministerstvo hospodárstva Slovenskej republiky (MH SR) – Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic
  • Maroš Stano
  • +421 248 541 111
  • MHSR website
  • info(at)mhsr.sk
  • Ministerstvo životného prostredia Slovenskej republiky (MŽP SR) – Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic
  • Stanislav Jurikovič
  • +421 259 561 111
  • MŽP website
  • info(at)enviro.gov.sk
  • Slovenská organizácia pre obnoviteľné zdroje energie, n.o. – Slovak Renewable EnergyE Agency (SK REA), NPO
  • +42 1 905 744 034
  • SKREA website
  • info(at)skrea.sk