Rulebook on calculation and presentation of energy sources on electricity bills

Updated: 24.01.2019

Name (orig)

Pravilnik o načinu proračunavanja i prikazivanja udela svih vrsta izvora energije u prodatoj električnoj energiji

Name (English)

Rulebook on the method of calculation and presentation of the share of all types of energy sources in the sold electricity

Full name

Pravilnik o načinu proračunavanja i prikazivanja udela svih vrsta izvora energije u prodatoj električnoj energii (Službeni Glasnik RS broj 96/2017)

Entry into force



The Rulebook provides for the transparent methods of calculating and presenting the shares of different energy sources in final electricity bills.

Relevance for renewable energy

The Rulebook regulates how the costs of renewable energy sources are presented in final electricity bills.


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