Regulation on Privileged Producer Status
Name (orig) | Uredba o statusa povlašćenog i privremenog povlašćenog proizvođača |
Name (English) | Regulation on the Requirements and Procedure for Acquiring the Status of a Privileged Producer, Preliminary Privileged Producer and Producer from Renewable Energy Sources |
Full name | Uredba o uslovima i postupku sticanja statusa povlašćenog proizvođača električne energije, privremenog povlašćenog proizvođača i proizvođača električne energije iz obnovljivih izvora energije (Službeni Glasnik RS broj 56/2016) |
Entry into force | 11.09.2009 |
Last amended on | 20.06.2017 |
Purpose | This Regulation specifies the conditions and the procedure for acquiring, duration and termination of the the status of a privileged producer, temporary privileged power producer, and a power producer for renewable energy sources. It further defines the content of the request for acquiring the status of privileged power producer, the evidence of eligibility for acquiring the status of privileged power producer, the instruments for financial security, the minimum primary energy efficiency level in high-efficiency co-generation power plants depending on the type of primary fuel and the installed power, the maximum total installed power for wind and solar power plants, which may acquire the status of a privileged producer or the temporary status of a privileged power producer, the obligations of privileged power producers and the methods of monitoring and control, as well as the methods of keeping the Privileged Power Producers Registry. |
Relevance for renewable energy | The Regulation defines the conditions for renewable energy producers to obtain the status of a privileged producer and realize the right for the financial incentive. |