Regulation on Incentive Measures
Name (orig) | Uredba o podsticajima za obnovljive izvore energije i visoko efikasnu kogeneraciju |
Name (English) | Regulation on Incentive Measures for the Production of Electricity from Renewable Energy Sources and from High-Efficiency Electricity and Thermal Energy Cogeneration |
Full name | Uredba o podsticajnim merama za proizvodnju električne energije iz obnovljivih izvora i iz visoko efikasne kombinovane proizvodnje električne i toplotne energije (Službeni Glasnik RS broj 56/2016) |
Entry into force | 01.01.2010 |
Last amended on | 23.11.2018 |
Purpose | This Regulation specifies the incentive measures for the power production form renewable energy sources as well as from high-efficiency cogeneration of electric and thermal energy. It stipulates the level of the guaranteed preferential tariff for different technologies and defines the duration of the incentive period. The Regulation further defines the conditions for obtaining the right to use these measures. It also describes rights and obligations arising from these measures for the privileged power producers and other energy entities. |
Relevance for renewable energy | The Regulation specifies the design of the support scheme for renewable energy sources. |