Guarantee of Origin Decree

Updated: 23.01.2019

Name (orig)

Uredba o načinu izdavanja, prenošenja i povlačenja garancije porijekla proizvedene iz obnovljivih izvora energije i visokoefikasne koegenracije

Name (English)

Decree on means of issuance, transfer and cancellation of guarantees of origin for energy generated from renewable energy sources and high efficient cogeneration (Official Gazette of Montenegro, no. 37/2011)

Full name

Uredba o načinu izdavanja, prenošenja i povlačenja garancije porijekla proizvedene iz obnovljivih izvora energije i visokoefikasne koegenracije (Službeni list CG, br. 37/2011)

Entry into force



This Decree defines the way of issuance, transfer and cancelation of guarantees of origin, the data needed for a request for issuance of guarantee of origin. It defines more clearly the content of guarantee of origin and the way of deliverance of quantity of delivered electricity through the transmission or the distribution system.
